The Kansas Prairie

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I've lived my whole life on the wide, flat, grassy plain that is Kansas, and even if I've lived here my whole life, I'll never completely get over the insane weather. One day it could be burning hot, the next day rain and hail. Sometimes i would be stuck inside all day, other days i would beg to be let inside. There was always something about weather that fascinated me. Even a simple breeze might put a smile on my face, because it would mean change was coming. Wind always meant change was coming. But i will never forget the storm that arrived in Kansas on that fateful day of May 17. The day that changed my life forever.

It started out normally enough. My broken alarm clock once again failed to wake up my tired, snoozing body, and I slept in until 7:30. That might not sound like sleeping in to you, but when you live on  farm with two people who have never slept in past 4:00 am, resting that long is a luxury. "Dorothy Julian Gale, you come downstairs this instant or you'll miss breakfast!" my Aunt Em called loud enough to wake a corpse. I instantly sprang up and threw on my black and white striped leggings, my denim skirt. and my blue and white checkered button up shirt. I rushed downstairs and was met with the delicious smell of chocolate chip pancakes. "Mornin' Aunt Em!" i said, running up to her and embracing her with all the love in my body. "Mornin' sweetheart. Make sure to eat up, we have a long day of chores ahead". I let out a long, melodramatic sigh, before a realization hit me. "Today is my birthday! I never do chores on my birthday"! Aunt Em frowned, as if annoyed i wasn't going to be doing any farm work, before smiling warmly at me and saying, "Why I do believe your right. How lucky you are to be turning seventeen! My little girl is growing up so fast". I quickly devoured my pancakes before I jumped up in excitement. I would finally be able to finish my painting of the sunflower field i had been working on! I decided that before i went back up to my room i would say good morning to Uncle Henry. I was about to step out onto the front porch when Aunt Em said "Don't forget your jacket! The weather said there's gonna be some wind today". I nodded and put on my jacket, but I wasn't worried about the wind very much. The forecast was almost always wrong anyway. 

Uncle Henry was working on his truck in the barn, which wasn't very surprising to me, considering that his truck broke down every other week. I gave him a big hug and a good morning greeting, before i ended up helping him fix his truck. After casually mentioning my broken alarm clock, and Uncle Henry said he would get right on that tomorrow, I helped him finish up his work before i went to my room and continued working on my painting. I ended up working on that picture late into the afternoon before my Aunt Em knocked on my door and came in with two grilled cheeses (My favorite). "How long have you been working on that painting?" she asked. "Oh, about a week". "A whole week?! But you said it was going to be a simple sketch"! I furrowed my eyebrows and said "Yeah, but it's just not good enough yet. It needs to be perfect". Aunt Em sat next to me and said to me, "Dorothy, you can't spend your whole life trying to perfect everything. Why are you so unsure of yourself? I don't think I have ever once seen you complete a project". I sighed, putting down my brushes. "I'm just not that good at anything Auntie. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to enter my works in an art show or museum. Maybe I'l just be stuck on this farm forever". My Aunt looked at me sternly and said 'Your mother would be appalled to hear you say something like that! You are one of the most talented artists I know Dorothy, and you need to believe in your talents. Both me and Henry think you have what it takes to do anything you set your mind too. You just need to believe in yourself". With that, my Aunt kissed me on the cheek and said "If you ever do finish that painting, I'll be sure to hang it on my mantle. Enjoy your sandwiches sweetheart".

As I stared at my unfinished painting, I began to question whether she truly believed i could do anything I set my mind to. Was that even possible? To do anything? I didn't really think so. And besides, what did it matter whether i stayed on the farm my whole life? I loved my Aunt and Uncle, and they loved me. There as no reason i couldn't stay home forever. As i continued to ponder the words of my Aunt, I happened to glance out my bedroom window and see a large cluster of poppies. "How pretty", I thought. I decided to go out and get some fresh air. I packed up my sketchbook, pens, and pencils, and I went outside. Maybe I really could finish a project for once. I just needed some inspiration. 

(Authors Note)

Tell me what you all think about my new version of Yellow Brick Road! I have this version of the story much more fully planned out, so i hope you enjoy it!

P.S, I did not create the cover art! Credit to Anime Pop Art! Go follow her Instagram and support her work! STAY FABULOUS!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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