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𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬

Prologue;𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬

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Queen Jeon Jisoo a beautiful siren, watched her young son's Jeon Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook both beautifully handsome children. with the rarest tail colors in mermaid and siren history.

Jeon Seokjin had the fullest lips any sea-folk could dream of, his full head of healthy ravenett hair waved through the sea water, his almond brown eyes shined through the water enhancing his beauty, with his lushes pink tail.

The young pink tailed boy played in the coral reef chasing his younger brother Jungkook who had a dark purple tail with light purple highlights.

Jeon Jungkook just like his brother was exceptionally beautiful, with sharp cupid bow lips, an adorable rounded noise, his full head of healthy purple hair which was strange for sea-folk but none the less made him beautiful.

"Seokie, I bet you can't catch me!!" Jungkook squealed to his older brother.

"I know I can Kookie, I'm faster then you." Jin says confidently swishing his pink tail from left to right.

"Nu-uh, I'm way faster than you Seokie." Jungkook argued with his brother.

"Sure, Kookie." Jin crossed his arms to the pouting boy in front of him.

Jisoo watches from a rock she sat on looking at her son's argue, she found it funny how her youngest son was so competitive.

"Fine if your so fast little brother let's race." Jin suggested to his younger brother who's mood changed drastically from sad to excited in seconds.

"Yes! Yes! Let's race so I can prove I'm faster!" Jungkook grabbed his brother arm and lead him towards the grounded seaweed. "Mommy!! Mommy!! Look!!" Kookie shouted catching his mother's attention.

Jisoo looked towards her son's with a beautiful smile on her face. "Good luck my sweet boys!!" She yelled back over to them.

"Don't worry Mommy I'll win for you!!" Jungkook shouted happily.

"Call it mom!" Jin shouted to his mother.

"Alright boys get ready, get set, go!" The boys took off leaving a trail of bubbles in the water by the speed they were swimming.

Jin easily maintained the lead because he had far more swimming practice than his young brother who wasn't that far back.

Jungkook whined in frustration as he looked at the back of his brother head only reminding him that he was losing. The younger boy growled and forced himself to speed up flicking his purple tail harder to beat his brother.

Jin could feel his brothers frustration and slowed down as they approached reached the end of their race course.

Jungkook smiled brightly as he saw himself picking up speed and passed his brother. The young boy cried with joy as he made it past the finishing line first.

"Mommy I did it!!" He screamed as he rushed into his mother's arms.

"Yes you did my little strong man." Jisoo kissed all over her son's face. Jin approached the two grimacing at the sight before him.

Jungkook caught his older brothers distasteful stare and so did Jisoo. "Come on Jinnie give Mommy a hug." Jisoo and Jungkook shared a crooked smile as they approached Jin.

"Yeah, come on Seokie." Jungkook said with his arms open wiggling his fingers.

"Get back demons." Jin made a cross with his fingers.

Jisoo and Jungkook shared a brief look and nodded before turning back to Jin. "Get him!" Jungkook yelled and the two swam after a speeding Jin.

The mother and her two sons spent the rest of their day chasing after one another just having the time of their lives before they had to go back to the castle.

Welcome to my new book Merman 🧜🏼‍♂️°

𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗡,  𝒗𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 Where stories live. Discover now