Chapter 2: Did it change?

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      After last night I was filled with questions but didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"What was that key for, it has to be for something."

After laying in bed for a few moments it was already 6:45 AM and then I remembered.

It's my first day of school!

I swiftly got my school uniform from downstairs. Put it on and put my hair in a messy bun.

"Bus is here sweety!" Mom yelled from upstairs.
"Okay bye I love you" I yelled while running to the door.

I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bus that was laid at the end of the stone steps.

I stepped on the bus and saw ten other teenagers sitting and staring directly at me. I looked down trying to avoid eye contact and found a sit in the back.

As I sat down uneasy and sheepish someone approached me.

"Hey, are you new?"
I didn't move I sat froze. I hated talking to new people.

"Ye...yea" I slowly said facing down with my backpack straps in my hand and hair in my face.

"Oh I'm May"
I slowly looked up and saw a tiny blond-headed girl with a binder in her hands. She reminded me of me minus the blond hair.

"So it's your first day at North East Pike ?" May said while seating in the seat next to me.
"Yeah, how'd you know" I whispered.
"The shy and swift pace when you walked on, most people do it the first day," she said setting her binder down in her seat.

"Really?" I said surprised.

"Yeah, everyone does it," May said facing her body towards me and looking out the window in the back.

May was really sweet and nice. I was terrified to talk to anyone cause I didn't know anyone. But now I was fine, I knew May and she knew me.

"Where you move from?" May said curiously.

"Minnesota," I said while letting go of my backpack straps and facing her.

"Dang, what made you come down to Mississippi?" May said intrigued.

I froze, I still haven't asked mom and dad why we left I just wanted them to be happy so I didn't question it.

"I really don't know if you want me to be honest," I said truthfully

"Oh," May said saddened.
The tension grew between us and could be cut with a knife. I was never good at talking with new people.

The bus finally arrived at NorthEast Pike. I said goodbye to May and went to get my schedule.

I swiftly walked down the hallway and made it into the office that was located on the first floor.

"Hi, I'm new and need my schedule."
The women stared me down and didn't say a word. As if she had a bone to pick with me.

"Name?" she mumbled.
"Kate Katherine," I said timidly.
"Kate Katherine?" she questioned.
"Yes that's me," I said concerned.
She didn't say a word as if she knew me, but I never even seen this woman before until today.
She scanned me up and down as if she was trying to see similarities of something or someone.
"Here you go," she said slowly.
"Thank You," I said nervously.

I looked at my schedule and seen I was taking, Algebra II, English III, a Free Time Period, Geometry and US World History.
" Dang this year is gonna be hard," said frightened.

I slowly navigated through the school to my first period. I was the first person in the class and decided to sit in the far back right of the classroom.

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