Chapter 5

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Kuroko POV

I'm currently walking towards the gym for a meeting after the Winter Cup, but it's not like I actually want to go to a meeting filled with backstabbers.

I don't even know if they knew that I overheard their conversation in the changerooms. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that in my hand right now is my resignation form and my uniform. I had already given the principal my transfer papers so that I can transfer to mom's school.

Oh, wait...

They probably DO know that I overheard their conversation because I had dropped my water bottle in complete shock.


I slowly open the door to the gym. I was late by like 5 minutes, but who cares?

"Kuroko! Why are you so late?!!??" yelled Coach.

"Gomen'nasai, Coach." I said. 'Bruh I don't care.'

" It's alright, just hurry up and get changed!"

"Actually Coach, I just came by to give you these." I said as I handed her my forms and my uniform.

"Kuroko?!?! What is the meaning of this?!?" She screamed gaining the attention of everyone.

"Ummm... I'm quitting the team?" I kinda questioned how smart she was, I mean, I gave her my uniform and the forms. What else could it mean? 'Is she that stupid?' 

"But why?"

"Let's just say that you shouldn't talk behind a teammates' back, especially if that teammate generally has a very low presence."

She gasps. "So you did hear everything we said right after the Winter Cup."

"No, I just randomly decided to drop my water bottle outside the changeroom and run away for no reason." I said, each word dripping with sarcasm and maybe a bit of sass.

"I'm so sorry!" she cried.

"I don't really mind." I state quietly as a ball rolls up to my feet.

"Also... When I played with you guys, I was only playing with about 5% of my true capabilities." 'Not really, more like 0.006% but they don't need to know that.'

"What the f***!?!?!?!?" screamed the team. (A/N I'm sorry, some of my friends don't like it when I swear so I try to avoid it...)

"I don't believe you!" yelled a certain red-headed tiger *cough* Kagami *cough*.

"You don't have to believe me." I used my monotone voice because their reactions are priceless!

"No! Prove it to me right now!" yelled Kagami.

"Okay." I simply replied as I picked up the ball that was next to my feet and walked to the gym entrance.

Everyone was really confused.

"Didn't you say you'll show us a bit of your true capabilities?" questioned Kiyoshi.

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