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The date was June 4th. Kagamine Len Append (or his real name Andrew) was holding his growing belly. You see, he was...let's say...taken advantage of recently. He couldn't see who it was because he was tied up, gagged, and blindfolded when it happened. Kagamine Rin Append (or her real name Aisha) already knew of this because she watches the RSB bulletin.

Kagamine Rin Append: Are you okay, Drew?

Kagamine Len Append: I still feel a little sore. It happened so fast.

Kagamine Rin Append: Do you think Pathos has returned?

Kagamine Len Append: Isn't he dead?

Kagamine Rin Append: Well, yeah. But what if he came back?

Kagamine Len Append: That's impossible.

Kagamine Rin Append: He's a vampire. They're immortal.

Kagamine Len Append: Well, we'll see what happens.

Kagamine Rin Append: You weren't the only one that was raped. 6 other Lens were harassed, too.

Kagamine Len Append: Who were they?

Kagamine Rin Append: Well, if memory serves me right, Lightning, Stylish, Ivy, Indigo, Vermilion, and Fan Dance.

Kagamine Len Append: I see. We better call them. See what they know about this.

And so, all 7 Lens gathered together at Andrew's house.

Kagamine Len Append: Okay, I think you guys know why I called you here today. All of us...were harassed recently.

Lightning Stone: So, does that mean we're all going to have babies?

Train Conductor Silver Vermilion: I don't want to be pregnant yet! I'm not even 16.

Stylish Energy L: And I haven't told my girlfriend.

The 6 Lens were talking all at once.

Kagamine Len Append: Guys, listen to me!

They all stopped talking.

Kagamine Len Append: Do you remember what you were doing before? Let's just get that out of the way first. Vermilion, you start off.

Train Conductor Silver Vermilion: Well, I was helping Betsy down at the train station. Like usual. All of a sudden, I was grabbed from behind. I couldn't tell who it was because this person blindfolded my eyes. And then I was dragged to another part of the station. Then, I felt this guy take off my shorts and this sharp pain in my...crotch.

Kagamine Len Append: Okay. Thanks, Vermilion. Stylish, you next.

Stylish Energy L: Okay. One morning, I was jogging by myself around Negi Root City. All of a sudden, I felt a hand grab me from an alley. I was gagged and blindfolded like Vermilion was. And the same thing happened to me.

Lightning Stone: Same with me. Riley and I were walking to the park. Riley couldn't even tell that I was gone. When she found me, my pants were down, and I was really sore. So sore in fact that she had to help me stand up. She asked me what happened. I didn't know. I told her everything.

Ni-No-Sakura Fan Dance: I was with Beverly when I was raped. Beverly was arresting a couple of criminals for a break-in and I was standing outside, when all of a sudden, I was grabbed and gagged. I was sore. Beverly found me minutes later and I told her everything I remembered.

Ivy Tomcat: I don't really remember anything. All I do remember was that I was with my sister getting some ice cream. And then I was...grabbed like the rest of you.

Indigo Fox: I was also with my sister. And then I was bound and gagged. Good thing this person didn't kill me.

Kagamine Len Append: We have to stop this. Before more innocent Lens get harassed like us.

Ivy Tomcat: But we don't even know who this guy looks like! It could be male, female, a module or a non-module. We don't even know if the same person harassed all of us.

Kagamine Len Append: We were all harassed from behind. So, it's obviously not a female.

Lightning Stone: There are 2 people that cross my mind. And they are Pathos and Prince.

Stylish Energy L: But they're both dead, aren't they?

Kagamine Len Append: I said the same thing to Aisha.

Kagamine Rin Append: I think it's Pathos. He's technically immortal. So he can come back even if he's a bunch of ashes.

Kagamine Len Append: Well, we won't know that if we don't see him. Have any of you guys told your girlfriends about being pregnant?

All 6 of the Lens shook their heads.

Kagamine Len Append: Make sure you do. Your babies are at risk of dying, you know. Because all of us were raped.

Train Conductor Silver Vermilion: But what about you? You're still single.

Kagamine Len Append: I'll think about it.

Kagamine Rin Append: He's torn between 3 Miku modules. I think anyone can help him out.

Train Conductor Silver Vermilion: Okay.

And so, the 6 Lens went home to tell their girlfriends about their meeting.

This was a random idea I came up with. So, 7 more Lens are pregnant! Hope you guys liked it and I'll see you all in the next story!

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