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After a morning blowjob that didn't take very long at all, Will forced both himself and Angel into the shower and promised that Nya would get one right after them. They would clean like hell until the devil came home.

Will insisted that Angel take the... plug out of his bubble butt, but Angel said he would only do it if Will was the one to take it out. As usual, Will said no, but no even Five minutes later, he was helping Angel remove it while they stood in the shower. Angel made a show of himself, swaying his hips, moaning loudly when Will went to remove it, but unlike the rest of them, Will didn't have a lot of sexual stamina, and couldn't lose himself to Angel again. 

They shower together, bickering as usual until Angel strutted out of the bathroom, not bothering to towel off or cover himself. Will followed, a towel around his hips, as he went in search of Lucifer's clothes he could borrow. It would be hard since Will had broader shoulders and arms, but he was sure he'd find something.

Will walked through the main room. Angel had crawled back in bed, completely wet, as he curled next to a sleeping, naked Nya. Will averted his eyes politely as he went to the closet.

The sun was just begging to rise when the door of their room opened and in strode a disheveled Lucifer. Helgrim hadn't slept in what may have been three days, but he has suddenly jolted with new energy when he saw what a mess his room was in.

There were clothes covering the ground, melted chocolates, wine bottles, lube bottles, sex toys- destroyed furniture, messy sheets, wet puddles leading from the bathroom to the bed to the closet.

Will heard a soft noise and went to go see who it was. The soldier froze when he made eye contact with an unamused Lucifer. The room filled with tense silence, all except Angel and Nya who slept soundly.

"Out all night?" Will tried to play it off like he was in control of things when he very much wasn't. He hadn't even had his nap yet, dammit. They were royally fucked.

Lucifer smiled knowingly, "I was. And how was your night?"

Before Will could think of an answer there was a soft moan from the bed and Nya's naked form sat up. She stretched her arms, displaying the round of hickeys that covered her front. When she opened her eyes she recognized Lucifer... and all hell broke loose.

"Angel!" Nya pushed him off the bed and vaulted towards the closet, pent on hiding behind Will.

Angel rolled to the floor, "Dammit, Nya-" he finally saw Lucifer and lept off the ground, grabbing a bed sheet to wrap around his waist. "Good morning Lucy."

"Angel," Lucifer growled.

Angel responded with a weak, "Will?"

And Will gave a curt, "Lucifer."

Nya made the first move. After hiding behind Will for a moment, she reached out and grabbed hold of the towel around his waist. "Sorry darling," she said stealing his towel, running from the closet towards the door, leaving the soldier completely nude.

Will yelped and covered himself with his hands, distracting Lucifer for a moment, which was all Angel needed to rush around the furniture towards the front door, chasing after Nya, holding a sheet around his waist.

"Absolutely not," Lucifer lunged and caught Angel around the middle, hauling him over his shoulder. "NYA," Lucy called, "get back here." Lucy gave Will a look that said come here and Will obliged, covering his crotch with both hands as he stood in front of Lucy.

Lucifer waited for Nya to sneak back into the room and hide herself behind the disgruntled soldier, before he heaved Angel off his back and onto the floor in front of Will's feet. Angel rolled his eyes and crossed his legs while Lucifer gave them each a once over.

"As thrilled as I am that we're all together again," Lucifer hissed, a sharp sarcastic smile on his lips, "we're going to take this moment to discuss some rules."

Angel groaned and flopped onto the ground dramatically, ever the child. Will gulped giving Angel a glare from above, and Nya crouched behind Will's legs, peeking out from around him as she held his towel around her.

"This is our room," Lucifer gave them each a stern look, "but it stays clean at all times. You will clean after yourselves," he looked at Angel, "and you will play nice," he looked to William. Lucifer began to roll up his sleeves and stretch out his ever-bandaged hands. "I am well aware that it was Angel and Nya who destroyed the bedroom-"

"It was Will," Angel and Nya said in unison.

"WHAT-" Will started.

"Nice try," Lucy started, "but I know you too were here all night, and Will didn't get home till about an hour ago. Which is another thing," he stared the soldier down. Green eyes enveloped brown. "You were out all night, I can't be here all the time to tell you three to get some god damn sleep-"

"That's really funny coming from you," Angel stretched along the floor. The bed sheet went very very low on his hips and Will had to look away. Nya snickered.

Lucifer growled, "I'm aware that all our schedules are a bit shit right now, but now that we're all home, it's time to get it together. No more self-destructive sexual escapades, no more all-night joy rides, and no more naps in your own filth. I'm putting my foot down on you three."

Angel quipped from the floor, "Only if you step on me, daddy."


Welcome to Mafias Bride and Grooms! The name is lame but I did that on purpose to get your attention, so you're welcome. 

This is a fun, kinda different love story about an established relationship. I hope you guys enjoy, and give it a chance, and don't be afraid to comment or message me! Commenting, voting, following- all that stuff helps my story get recommended to more people, so I would be eternally grateful!!

Updates are on the weekends (most of the time) and I always try and publish one chapter a week. Thanks for reading the teaser ;)



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