Will looks like shit. His nose is still turned purple from the punch Typhon landed on his face a week ago, but it is nothing compared to the heavy bruising that lines his upper chest. His chest is bare, his right arm in a loose sling as his collar bone begins to mend. His body is stiff, achy, as a fire flutters up and down his leg where his bones are being forced back together.
Injuries aside... he still looks like shit. The soldier's hair that is usually so neat and clean has turned to an unruly brown mess. He has stubble, and dry lips, and tears glazed over his dull eyes. His body will suffer from weeks of being bedridden but not as much as his soul...
Will's heart seems to break as he opens his empty eyes and sees his girl on the far side of the room.
Nya's wearing his shirt. She wears black tights and a massive white shirt that fits like a dress, and she stands with her back towards him while she stares into space. Her hair is in a messy bun. Her hips sway side to side slowly as she ponders something in the silence.
She whips around immediately so he can see the sprinkle of tears in her diamond eyes. Some fall and land on the black half-mask hiding her gruesome frown.
She bounds to his bedside and the motion makes Will's head lurch. He's tired and spent and thirsty... but awake. Finally.
"Drink." Will opens his eyes to find a staw in his face and the soldier is humiliated as he sips lightly. He hates this. He hates this, he hates this. "What do you need," Nya asks instantly, her eyes fluttering between him and his vital machines.
He shouldn't have been in bed this long but the last few weeks have put a terrible strain on him. His mind tells him to move and his body won't let him. He's lost control and it is terrifying.
"Nothing," Will says lightly though his voice cracks and it's exhausting to speak.
"Nya," he interrupts and looks up at her. She dotes on him. She looks him over, looks at his charts and meds and... She... refuses to meet his gaze... "Nya?" Will says softly as a long moment passes. "Nya look at me?"
Nya hesitates, her hand forming a fist next to his on the bed, but finally, she looks. Nya's eyes are overflowing with tears. Her lashes are heavy with them.
Will lets the edge of his mouth creep upward and he grins ever so slightly. "Why are you crying," he says while his hand slowly reaches for hers. He grasps her thin fingers and finds that she is cold. What he wouldn't give to pull her close and have her warm again but he can't. He can hardly move at all.
"Will..." Nya takes a heavy heavy breath. She then begins to kneel next to his bed until she is on her knees, her head tilting over until her cheek rests beside their hands. Tears leak down her face. "Will...baby I am so- so very sorry."
Nya's translator is cold on her throat. She feels at a loss for words, at a loss for air.
"I'm so sorry," she whispers while her tears fall onto the bedsheet. "If you had known earlier about Blair, If I had just- if I hadn't-"
Nya shuts her eyes tightly and presses her forehead into the mattress. Her chest shakes, her head pounds...
And Will has never seen her look more beautiful. He has never been so happy than to have woken up and found her waiting for him.
Will won't go back to sleep. He never wants to go back to sleep if he can be here, if he can see her.
Nya silently cries and tries to find the words to describe how sorry she is but Will beats her to it.
The Mafia's Bride and Groom's (fxmxmxm)
RomanceNya Bruce is being hunted down and she doesn't know why. It could be because she's the bastard daughter of famous millionaire Eddison Bruce. It could be because she's an infamous criminal investigators consultant who's put dozens of dangerous crimi...