An Invitation (Season Recap if you will)

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Lucifer had gone the last several years with just himself and his thoughts, alone. He'd become accustomed to getting up when he got up, eating when he eats, sleeping when he sleeps. He'd grown accustomed to Henry and Peirce's constant worry, constant attitude towards the way he waltzed through life without a proper routine, without really taking care of himself the way he should. He was the master of his universe and that universe is an endlessly dark chasm of brutality and cunning isolation, one that does not warrant routine as long as he remained sharp and focused... 

Lucifer is an island, as it were. A chaotic one.

When you're a part of a family again, that changes. 

Lucy wakes up slowly and the first thing he feels isn't even his own body. It's Angel's. Angel's silver hair tickles his bare chest as the model huddles peacefully into his side. Angel is like a beatle, digging and nesting into its environment, taking a host, taking it's warmth as it's own. 

The model never looks peaceful, even in sleep, he almost has a smile to his lips that promises tragedy and adventure and chaos. He always has a smile to him, one that grows brighter and brighter as they spend their remaining days all together. 

Lucifer quiets his body so as not to wake his lover, then looks over and finds Will sleeping on his stomach. Unlike Angel, Will's face is calm and cold, silent as the soldier lays impossibly still. Will's shirt has ridden up in his sleep, his lower back moves up and down in the low morning light, showing the world immaculate brown, sunkissed skin.

In their week together, when Nya was away at work, they had adapted to eachothers presence, found their new rhythm with just the three. 

Angel always demanded contact with someone, whether it was his head on your chest or his hand in yours, it's like he couldn't sleep unless someone's skin was pressed against his, grounding him to the here and now. He almost always stayed in the middle of the bed, subconsciously needing to be close to one of them, even if he was following Lucifer into the closet to change or Will into the bathroom to brush his teeth. If Angel was a snake he was always looking for a sun-soaked rock to curl up on. 

Will, on the other hand, needed more space. He needed to be able to jolt awake at the slightest movements, needed to have the widest view of their room when he woke, right before he did a sweep through their bathroom and closet. On their first night sleeping together they had learned that Will's instincts where beyond sharp. He could tell you the distance between them and everything in the room, he could tell who was awake and who was asleep based off their breathing patterns, who was standing based off their strides even when the room was pitch black. 

Lucifer knew these things too but it didn't come naturally to him like it did Will. Will knew things faster, took in the environment sooner, as his training invaded every pore of his being. Lucifer had to think about it and thinking about took too much energy in his opinion. 

On that first night, Angel had seen the soldier sneak a gun under the bed, another in several corners of their level of the house, and he had joked about Will being too paranoid. From what Lucifer could tell,  this was Will showing some restraint. If the soldier had it his way he'd be sleeping upright in a chair all night, a gun in his hands, instead of in bed with them. 

But now, there was Nya- who was nowhere to be seen in the open master bedroom as Lucifer squirmed to look for her. 

Lucifer slowly turned over to see the clock on his nightstand. Four in the morning, the sun had barely started to peak over the hilltops outside consuming the room is a cold purple color through the tinted windows. 

Lucifer moved slowly, starting to push Angel off the right side of his body, but as he did, Will jolted awake almost immediately. Before the soldier could roll over or stand up, or heaven forbid, go for the gun underneath him, Lucy reached a hand out quickly and curled his fingers around Will's fist. 

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