first letter

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It was February.

Jotaro stared down at the letter in his left hand while his right held the letter's envelope. There was a green heart sticker on the flap, which he had been staring down for a little while. He read the letter briefly.

"Jotaro Kujo.... biology class, your favorite subject.... your hat.... think about you a lot..... don't hate me please...."

It was pretty much the same love note he got from fangirls who crushed on him. Them gushing about Jotaro and their feelings for him.. but something caught his eye. It was the signature, or the name the letter was signed under in print.


A confused hum rumbled in his throat as he examined more of the love letter, flipping it over to find some clue or hints as to who this was. Honestly, this one letter hit different for some odd reason. He decided to look over the body of it some more and actually read some parts of it.

"Jotaro Kujo.. this may seem weird and off,  but there are many things that make you adorable and cute.. when you talk about biology class, you favorite subject, it makes me happy and laugh.. Another thing I find cute about you is the way you tilt your hat when.. I think about you a lot on a daily basis.. So if or when you find out who I am, don't hate me please.."

Jotaro put the letter back into the envelope, closed his locker, and sighed, "Yare yare."

"HEY JOJO!" a obnoxious and unforgettable voice yelled through the tired crowd of students. It was Polnareff, the energetic French guy in the friend group. 2 other teens stood next to him, one chuckling and the other telling him to quiet down.

"Polnareff, it's 7 in the morning. No one wants to deal with your booming voice," Avdol groaned.

"You know you love it," Polnareff grinned back, still loud.

Avdol yawned and replied with a blunt, "No."

Kakyoin chuckled at the two, holding two coffees in his hand. He approached Jotaro and held the warm coffee out to him. "For you, the usual," he beamed. How could someone be so happy at 7 a.m.?

Right, the coffee.

Jotaro muttered, "Black coffee with 2 sugars and 2 creamers?"

Kakyoin rolled his eyes at his best friend's words, his smile dropping but coming back in a split second. "Of course, you fool. Now take it!" he spoke in a mocking tone for the "fool" part.

Jotaro laughed at the redhead's antics and muttered a thanks, sipping it slowly with his eyes behind the shadow of his cap. Looking up from his sip, he saw Kakyoin giggling at Avdol's ruthless responses to Polnareff's affection. His teal blue eyes looked down to Kakyoin's drink: an iced vanilla latte with 3 pumps of cherry syrup in it. To Jotaro, the drink was unbearably sweet and too artificially cherry. Blegh. To Kakyoin, a normal, delicious drink with the best flavor in the world.

"What's that in your hand, JoJo?" Kakyoin spoke and nodded his head at the envelope in large hands. He swirled his drink with the straw to mix the syrup and sipped a little bit more.

"This? Just another envelope from someone. Probably some girl," he looked at the green heart, ripped in half by none other than JoJo himself to gain access to the written letter. "It's different though. There's a pen name. It's not just 'Anonymous', but it's 'hierophant'. I don't know anyone who is correlated to this pen name."

"Hum, weird. 'hierophant'? That's certainly.. an interesting name, JoJo."

"I know."

"AVDOL, WAIT UP! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Polnareff cried, reaching out for Avdol and grabbing onto his red cardigan. "I JUST WANTED A HUG!"

"I'm not giving you a hug, Jean Pierre. Go to your class!" Avdol tugged his cardigan from the iron grip of Polnareff and addressed Kakyoin. "Kakyoin, c'mon! Polnareff- let go!"

Kakyoin narrowed his eyes and sighed, patting the taller man's shoulder. "I gotta go now, Avdol will be lonely if I keep talking to you, he's trying to get away from Pol again. I'll see you in 3rd period?" 

Jotaro sipped his coffee, using a slightly louder voice as Kakyoin walked away. "Not going anywhere, Noriaki."

3rd period was Biology, Jotaro Kujo's favorite subject.

"Polnareff, get your ass up, we're going to 1st period."


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