Peter has wings?!?!

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I have seen many fics about characters having wings, but I have not seen many goods fics where Peter has wings.
Peter P.O.V.
I remember that day vividly. It was right after I moved in with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. I woke up to a weird feeling on my back. I went to my bathroom and saw a pair of wings on my back.

I remember calling my aunt and uncle, and them coming into my room and seeing my wings. Them telling me it was going to be okay, and that we would figure it out.

The wings grew as I grew. Now, they are bigger than I am at a 20ft wingspan.

I keep them fastened around my body when I go to school and when I am Spider-Manning.

Aunt May is the only person that knows about my wings until today.

As the final bell rings signaling the end of the day, I rush outside to see the familiar black car and Happy standing by it. I walk over to the car and get in.

I try to adjust my position so I am comfortable. You should know that trying to sit with wings is very uncomfortable.

The city rushes past my window as Happy drives to the tower. Once the car comes to a stop, I jump out yelling a thank you to Happy and get in the elevator.

The elevator comes to a stop at the floor with me and Tony's labs.

Tony greets me and we work in silence for a while until I feel my Spidey Sense go off.

"Mr. Stark, watch out!" I yell to him while running over. The repulser he was working on blows up as I push him out of the way.

The blast sends me flying back into the wall, and I here a crack. I feel my wing break as I hit the wall full force. I scream in pain, and black spots fill my vision.

Tony gets up off the ground and comes running over to me.

"Kid, what hurts?"

"Shirt off," I reply to Tony's question.

Tony gently pulls my shirt off and reveals my mangled wings.

I whimper in pain as the movement jostles my wings.

My whimper snaps Tony out of his daze.

He picks me up watching to make sure he doesn't hurt me more.

He rushes me down to the Med Bay and sets me down on my stomach.

Bruce comes running into the Med Bay.

"Peter, the bone in your wing looks like it is out of place. I am going to have to reset it."

"Do it, please," I whimper.

Bruce grabs on either side of the break, and he starts moving it. I hear a snap, and pain shoots through my wings and down my spine. I scream. The sound resonates around the room.

I lose my fight with the darkness. I pass out.

I wake up and slowly open my eyes.

"Hey Kiddo."

"Mr. Stark."

"Thank you for protecting me. I'm sorry you got hurt. Also, talking about the elephant in the room. When did you get wings?"

"It was right after I moved in with May and Ben. I woke up and I had a heavy feeling on my back. I went into my bathroom and saw the wings."

"Next time tell me about this kind of stuff because finding out you had wings almost gave me a heart attack."


Finally done. Thank you for waiting so long. See you soon my special snowflakes.

❄️Snowflake out❄️

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