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[ Chapter Seven—all summer long ]

   The movie was bright with comedy and modern themes

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   The movie was bright with comedy and modern themes. I could not remember the name of it, but it had Rebel Wilson and Liam Hemsworth which gave it an automatic pass in my opinion. Plus, it was pretty funny.

The Cullen's living room was huge and still proved to amaze me even after six weeks of living here. However, out of everything in the living room, the couch and flatscreen television was a toss-up between which was my favorite. The couch because it was incredibly comfortable and the television because it was huge, had surround sound, and the best coloring I had ever seen.

I was currently snuggled in a warm blanket at the corner of the couch wearing my pajamas—which were admittedly less than modest—but it was summer, could you blame me? Sure, Maine was nowhere near as hot as Arizona, a great change, but it was far more humid here.

Not to mention naturally being warmer than average did nothing to help cool me down.

Summer with the Cullens had been a blast, they were a true family that I felt wholeheartedly a part of. Growing up, the closest people I had to siblings were Bella and Drake, but Bella wasn't around after the age of three and Drake was too much of a best friend to truly be a brother.

Of course, Bella and I were back to acting like sisters the day after I arrived, Edward became that annoying older brother (even though I was physically older), Emmett was... well he was an ass... a fun ass though. Alice was one who watched pointless reality television with me and shopped till we dropped. Jasper—while we were not the closest—was kind to me and gave me helpful advice on how to handle Emmett often.

Rosalie—pretty sure she still hated me—but she was basically the bitchy older sister I never wanted.

Then there was Jacob, the loveable shapeshifter who joked around with Bella, Renesmee, and I. Renesmee was nearly as close to me as Bella was. Seeing as we were the closest in age, we bonded with almost everything, plus she was the only one I was really able to hang out with outside of Cullen Manor during sunny days.

Though—and I tried to make this a point to all of them—that nowadays with all the body glitter and makeup products going around, they would probably be fine walking around while it was sunny out. I mean, and again this is only a theory, but they could low-key walk around sparkling and use the excuse of it being makeup.

When I told them this, Emmett burst out laughing and Rosalie proceeded to scold me on how ridiculous that idea was. Carlisle, while he was much kinder about it, said that he didn't believe his superiors at the hospital would approve of him walking around adorning "body glitter" and treating patients.

Then again, Carlisle himself was one of the higher-ups, there was only one person higher up to him.

Overall, the Cullen's refused to take me up in the idea. Though, I think Alice would do it, but Jasper won't let her.

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