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edit (feb.3): Hey Everyone! Please make sure to read the next chapter as it is VERY IMPORTANT! My country is in a crisis and we need your help! Sorry for being a party pooper ;_; ENJOY THE STORY :)

Plot: what if Xiao Xingchen didn't killed himself and still has no clue that the person he saved was Xue Yang? And that Xue Yang didn't kill any people during his time with Xiao Xingchen because xiao xingchen would hate him for it. 

Xue Yang

It's been almost a month since Xiao XingChen saved me from the brink of death and gave me something that I never thought I would ever find for as long as I live, a friendship. although it is build on lies and secrets I still and will forever treasure it. His tender and caring nature makes me want to protect him and never want his beautiful smile to ever disappear knowing that one day i will be the reason for the disappearance it. There may be many people out there who are kind and empathetic enough to save a complete stranger but to me he is one of a kind. 

No matter how happy I am during this short period filled with laughter and happy memories made with him, the guilt of knowing that these beautiful moments are build on lies and manipulation eats me upside everyday. however the selfishness of not wanting these to end halt me every time i decides to come clean,every time i see him smiling at me and laughing at my jokes i grow more hesitant. Who would have thought that me, Xue Yang, a cold-blooded murder just because he wanted to and the reason behind xiao xingchen's misery is now smiling like a fool in love at Xiao Xingchen, his mortal enemy, a person who would kill me without a second thought. 

Xiao XingChen 

Its been almost a month since I helped a young man from a brink of death but i still doesn't know his name. i know that i told him that it's okay if he doesn't feel like sharing but something about him feels so familiar and i don't know if it is a good thing or not and i want to ease my mind of suspicion, after all we are staying together at the moment. That reminds me, i wonder how his wounds are doing. I stepped outside to ask him about his condition when i sense his presence.

"Hey! What are you doing outside?! It's cold out let's go inside!"  he shouted "Ah! Hey I was just about to look for you! Did you came back from the village?" I asked "Yep! I ran out of sweets..hehe" he answered cheerfully "Seriously, why do you like sweets so much? So childish " i asked playfully but i was met with silence in return "hey... you ok? Is anything wrong?" i asked softly since i can sense a gloomy aura coming from him and I don't like it. "uh? Yeah nothing's wrong it just..." "it's fine, i was just joking. Now come on give me a smile i don't like the gloomy feeling coming from my cheerful kid" i joked pinching his cheeks" for you information i'm not a kid and how would you know if I'm smiling or not?" he said playfully "Great now you are back to your old annoying self" i said half laughing. "so what were you searching me for? Missed me so much that you had to find me?" he ask "You can never be serious can you? Anyway i was look for you to ask if your wounds are healing right." I said and suddenly the atmosphere started getting serious and gloomy again "hey... are you gone? why aren't you answering me?" I asked, I know he isn't gone but I can't shake the feeling like he seems somewhat sad. "Are you....gonna leave me when my wounds finished healing?" he asked with a strange tone "I wouldn't call it leaving you but we should go our separate ways after your recovery" i answered cautiously."oh...." he  said and suddenly it became so quiet I start to feel a bit uneasy and somehow guilty. Maybe its because of the tone of his answer or the way his footsteps disappeared.

 Xue Yang 

I knew it! I knew the day would come, the day he leaves me just like the rest but never thought it would come so soon. I knew that I shouldn't have been too attached to him and no matter how much my brain reminds me of the facts, my heart seems to be as wild as a donkey that eats whatever it wants and stray away from rationality.

 I HATE HIM! I HATE HIS BEAUTIFUL SMILE, HIS CUTE LITTLE QUIRKS AND THAT DAMN STUPID MELODIC LAUGH OF HIS! I HATE HIM! I HATE YOU XIAO XINGCHEN! I HATE THE FACT THAT YOU MAKE ME SO COMFORTABLE AROUND YOU TO THE POINT WHERE I AM...HAPPY WITH YOU! I HATE THE FACT THAT YOU SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT ME! WHY ARE YOU BUILDING HOME IN MY HEART?! WHY IS IT EVERY TIME YOU ARE WITH ME I LAUGH LIKE NO TOMORROW? WHY..why..why? And before I know it unfamiliar droplets of warm tears started rolling down my cheeks. These alien feelings that I have forgotten starts to invade my mind and my vision starts to become blurry again just at the mere thought of Xiao XingChen leaving me but I know what I must do. I can't keep deceiving him and taking advantage of his kindness and disability. For the sake of both of us I must stop myself and let him go before i ruin him again . 

3rd POV 

Just as the sun illuminate onto Yi City, a glowing pendent was placed beside Xiao Xingchen's bed along with a kiss on the forehead and a mouth-watering breakfast waiting for the him on table ready to be consumed prepared by Xue Yang that he spend the entire night preparing. By the time Xiao Xingchen woke up, presence of Xue Yang is absent and couldn't be sensed anywhere in the Yi City, however he felt a small of trace of magic coming from somewhere on his bed so he followed it and as soon as he touched it, Xue Yang's voice echo through the room.

Hey Xiao XingChen by the time you hear this i have already set off. My wounds have already been perfectly healed  in case you are worried about me.....um...i don't know how to put this into words but here i go...My name is Xue Yang, the one who you have been trying to hunt down. i know you must really hate me right now and i deserve it but please listen to what i have to say. How we met wasn't planned what so ever, we met by chance and you helped me without knowing who i am and when i saw that my saviour was you i did try to take advantage of you but i-i- just couldn't. i tried many times to trick and manipulate you but  i couldn't every time. Not after what you have done for me. You gave me something that i never thought i could never find, a friend. Since I was young I never had someone who would fool around with me and share sweets with me. Since i was young i was always alone, just a scrubby and naive little boy that people tried to take advantage of and i don't wanna be that weak little boy again so i  practised demonic cultivation at the Qishan Wen Clan. You asked me why i like sweets so much well its a bit embarrassing to say but i like the comfort it gives and the delightful taste it gives to my taste buds. before you came into my life, that was the only way i could get comfort but you showed me love, friendship and empathy. as a tribute to our friendship i promise to stop killing innocent people because i know how much you despise it. Lastly, I hope that we won't ever cross path again but if we ever did please kill me on the spot for i have done to you is unforgivable. I love you Xiao Xingchen and i wish you a flower road ahead. 

Edit: hey everyone! I'm really sorry i keep writing about this 😓 I urge you all to spend at few minutes of your time to read at least a chapter of the story "What's Happening In Myanmar". I ask for your help to spread the word .Thank you so much 🙏 🙏🙏

hey guys i hope you enjoyed the story 😓 Sorry for the mistakes i'm not a good writer and English is not my first language so plz be lenient with me😁 

edit: i just reread this and i realised how dramatic it is😂 i hope u guys didn't cringe too much like i did and the vid above made me wanna cry a river and throw myself in it. 

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