Everything hurts

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Hi guys so I know it's been a while since I updated but to be honest I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to continue writing this or not. So this is the third chapter of my story and I hope you guys like it, hopefully it will be a bit longer than it normally is!

~ Scarlett xxxx

Present   * skipped forward two years *

As I walked home from college I could feel the starts of rain. Sighing, I fastened my pace trying to get home before it started raining properly.

As I entered the house, leaving footprints behind me, I started taking off my soaking wet blazer. I walked upstairs to the bathroom and got changed out of my school uniform into something comfier. Looking into the mirror I couldn't help but remember the day Nathan and his gang had taken their 'bullying' to another level. My eyes trailed down to my wrists, the faint scars of my past still visible. After a while they had stopped hurting me, only giving me disgusted glances now and then.

Louis had become famous, like I had thought. He'd come back to Doncaster now and then but I was never around to see him and when he did come back it was only for an hour or so. It pained me to see how heartbroken it made his mum, seeing her son only once in a while must have been hard for her. He never tried to get back in contact with me; no phonecalls, texts, facebook messages, nothing. It felt like our friendship had never happened and in a way it hadn't. It happened in the past and what happened in the past should stay in the past.

I did often wondered what happened once he left, if he ever even thought of me, ever wondered how i was doing. Then I remembered that he was famous and reality came crashing down on me.

I can now admit that I can safely say I think I was falling in love with my best friend. I may have been young but I can still feel the love I felt and still feel for him in my heart, burning strong.

I shuffled down the stairs, turning on the TV in the frontroom. As I flicked through the channels one of the shows caught my eye. A newsreporter said "Rumours of One of the famous One Direction singers coming for a visit back to his hometown in Doncaster have been causing a bit of a stir today. It has been rumoured that Louis Tomlinson will be coming to Doncaster sometime tomorrow for a holiday until the start of their next tour in two months time."

I gulped. Louis was finally coming back for a long visit. I wouldn't be able to put off going out but what would happen if I saw him? What would I say and do? I turned off the TV and buried my head in my lap, worrying about what would happen during Louis 'little visit'.

* Next day *

I glanced at my clock, 10:00am. I groaned as I slide my legs over the side of the bed, stretching my legs in the process. Looking in the mirror I saw what horror had been left from my night sleep; my hair looked like a birds nest and i'd forgotten to take off all of my make-up, giving me a panda eye look. I went into the bathroom and started undressing to get into the shower. Once i had washed my hair and body I got out, wrapped a towel around my head and around my body and walked into my bedroom. I looked out my window, trying to see what the weather was going to be like today. It looked really nice outside so I decided to wear a dress. I picked out my blue strapless dress from Jack Wills and my blue toms with a little flower bracelet to finish it off. I left my hair natural and put on some 'natural' make-up. I slipped on my shoes and walked out the door.

I walked down the road towards my favourite cafe, The Rose and Crown. I stared at the sky; it was such a beautiful day. All of a sudden I collided with someone.

"Hey watch it!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not the one walking in a daydream am I ?!" the stranger replied.

I looked up to see who had walked into me and when I realised who it was I inhaled in suprise.


Friends are forever - yeah right?! (One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now