3.2 | A Mistake

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As Jungkook finished the story, he realised that his Snowflake was fast asleep in his lap. His voice had lulled her into a drowsy state, and just after the last word, her eyes closed as she fell into a peaceful nap. He shook his head but smiled, running his hand through her hair and returning his attention to the TV.

Meanwhile, Y/n rushed over to Namjoon's dorm, pausing in front and gathering her courage to knock. She exhaled after awhile and lifted her hand, freezing when the door swung open, revealing a messy and hungover looking Namjoon just a few inches from her face. She stumbled back in surprise after she realised how close they were, her cheeks flushing brightly.

Namjoon's eyes were wide and he stepped back as well, his expression going slack as he lost his train of thought. He regained his posture quickly and cleared his throat, shaking his head.

"Namjoon -"

"Y/n." He interrupted, his tone sharp.

"Y-Yes?" She felt intimidated by him. Although he looked as if he just woke up, the aura floating from him screamed ferocity. His eyes were firm and his jaw was set. It was the first time she has seen him this serious.

"What I said last night. Forget it."

"Wait, what -"

"Forget it." He repeated sternly. "I didn't mean it. I was drunk. I do not have feelings for you whatsoever. And the bouquet, throw it away. It was a mistake."

Her eyes widened.

It was a mistake.

Finding her was a mistake.

Helping her was a mistake.

Caring for her was a mistake.

Loving her was a mistake.

Her throat closed up and tears pricked at her eyes. She wanted to think he was joking. She searched his eyes for any sign of playfulness.




Any feelings? Even if it was pity?


Nothing for her. She stared at him in shock. It was the same eyes; he had the same eyes as the first humans - cold, emotionless, disinterested.

Is this really Namjoon? The boy who had given her flowers with such a beautiful meaning? The boy who had cared for her for over four centuries? The boy who protected her from the hatred of the world so she could grow up happily? This couldn't be him.

"Oh." She swallowed thickly, looking down and avoiding eye contact. "Sorry for bothering you then. See you in class."

She stumbled away, her head reeling. Choking on her tears, she hurried back to her dorm, bursting in and sobbed. She crashed back against the door and let out a scream of pain, her hair lifting from her shoulders to float above her as items picked up from her whirlwind of emotions. Objects flew around her, some smashing into the wall and breaking. Bright amber streaked her eyes and engulfed her, shining brightly with hurt and agony.

Yoongi jumped up, shadows shooting out from every corner of the room to her. It formed a sphere around her, stitching together so tightly that her power was cut and every object fell to the floor. He then rushed to her as the shadows crept back to their spots within the dormitory, cradling her in his arms immediately with no hesitation. She cried her heart out, tears flowing and dripping down her chin as she weakly pushed at him.

"Shhh, don't cry," Yoongi hummed gently in an effort to calm her. She stopped struggling after awhile and just sat there, her lips trembling and body limp in his arms. There was a darkened patch on his shoulder, where the fabric had soaked up the tears she wept. He eventually pulled her away from the floor, bringing her to his bed and laying on the mattress with his upper body resting against the headboard and her body curled up on top of him. He pulled the blanket over her and hugged her tightly, offering her the comfort of his warmth.

She sobbed quietly, her face buried in his chest. Eventually, her whimpers subsided and she fell asleep with her eyes red and cheeks puffy, exhausted from the crying.

Yoongi gazed at her with soft eyes, running his hand over her arm as he then rested his chin on top of her head. Who hurt you so badly? An image flashed in his mind from earlier in the day, the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table. His expression turned grim.

Did you make the right choice, Namjoon?

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