Chapter 6

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As soon as I heard the bell I sprung out of my seat and ran out the classroom. I ran down the hall like a bat out of hell. People left and right were looking at me like I was bat shit crazy. I continue running down the hall till I got to the girl bathroom. As soon as I got to the door I ran inside. I checked under each stall to make sure I was alone. Once I did that I went back to the sink to wash my face with some cool water. I closed my eyes in hope of getting so stress really. When I turned around and opened my eyes there was Aiden. "What do you want", I said "I just wanted to make sure you were ok", he said. That had caught me off guard but I had recovered quickly. For a while we just sat in silence as he stared at me. " I've had enough of this" I said and made my way toward the door in a flash I was pinned against the wall "So am I" and with that he smashed his lips against mine and I imagined myself twenty years from now telling my kids how their dad took my first kiss. Yes it was that amazing that it had me thinking about kids a thing I never wanted. I finally came to my senses and pushed him away. We both just stood there for a few minutes before he looked at me then walked out. I couldn't believe it he had stole my first kiss then left me standing alone. To say I was hurt was a under statement. Then again what did I think he was going to do he was the bad boy the player of the school I was just his next play thing. I decided to get over I go up against guys three times my size I wouldn't I couldn't let him knock my down. I walked out the bathroom and down the hall to my next class not giving Aiden a second thought .

Hi guys I took the pledge to write 50,000 words by thirty days so you can be expecting a lot more from me. I also thought maybe you guy would want to know a little more about me so dm me on Wattpad and I will write back when I can but remember I'm still in school so text me after five.

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