Chapter 6: l Remember A Part Of My Previous Life

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Mitsuko pov

"Do you like me?"

"Of course I do. You're like a sister to me."

Ouch! That's gotta hurt. Mitsuki being rejected by a boy. Wait, I thought she's with Muzan?

The boy... is so familiar, even the vibe he's giving me is so familiar.


That's.... his name!

I remember now! He's the guy I used to like! Wait, I never met him before in my life, how have I met him? Especially fallen for him?

I... must have a past! My sisters said I was made but a part of me says I'm not. I have a past... but I don't remember and it's making me believing my sisters.

I hate that I can't remember anything! This Tanjiro, I remember him, but why....

My head is so messed up! I need answers!

Why does my sisters hide it from me? What have I done wrong in the past to deal with this misery?! My mind is gonna explode with all these questions! My head is spinning as I crouched down, tears in my eyes.

And why have I always dreamt of Mitsuki?!

"That's easy, because you're Mitsuki."

I was overshadowed by the person whose voice was as cold as nothing. I lifted my head and was astonished to meet a pair of plum red eyes staring down lifelessly at me.

And that person, is none other than Mitsuki.

"You're talking to me? You can talk to me?" My voice trembled.

"We are indeed, the same mind." She said. Her voice is as cold as her eyes. I've never seen this part of her before, and it's scary!

"You just had to push me away. You could have avoid so much confusion. I guessed what has already happened cannot be fix." She said.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Its easy, you're my humanity."
Wait what?

My eyes snapped open and I was facing the ceiling. I sat up and found out I was laying on something comfy, a bed. How did I get here? As I remembered, I... fainted in that room.

Did someone carry me here?

I rubbed my forehead, recalling what has happened in my dream.

You're my humanity.

What was that all about? I'm related to a hundred years old dead girl?

No, it can't be! That doesn't make sense at all! She's dead, and you can't bring someone back from the dead. Can you? Is that even possible to do so?

I really need to lie down and rest.

Though, where am I?

I've been in here for so long that I think my sisters will start worrying about me, I can't be a burden to them. Besides, this isolation is driving me over the edge!

Please! Let me see at least one person!

"Glad you're awake."

Yes! Finally! Thank you Go-

I take it back! I rather isolate myself than seeing him!

"What are you doing here? Wait! Is this your doing?" I asked.

"You literally made me wait for you and I have to dance with Ayumi. So this your punishment for letting me have a terrible night." He smirked.

"Oh so you think this is funny?!"

"Seeing you mad princess, I believe so." He smirked.

"Why You-You Seaweed head!" I shouted and angrily pointed my finger at him.

He looked taken aback for a while.

"What did you just call me?"

Oh shit! I'm screwed!

"Sorry, is just that your hair is messy like seaweed..., and I'm making the situation worst. I'm such a-"



"You're rambling." Muzan pointed out.

"Sorry." I apologized while staring down, blushing a little and avoid any eye contact.

"I saw you went into my music room and touched my guitar, without permission." Muzan snarled as he took a book out from the shelf and opened it to read.

"I'm sorry." I apologized again.

"Who thought you that song?"

"What song?"

"The song you sang in my music room which is restricted."


This is so awkward, how am I gonna tell him that I feel I lose control of my body and everything, will he believe me? Will he think I'm nuts? Well he sent me to a psychiatric hospital?

Well, I'm a terrible liar to be honest. And why Not?

So I just told him the truth.

"That song was written by Mitsuki to express her feelings about us." He declared.

Wait what?

It's related to Mitsuki again?!

Does everytime have to involve with Mitsuki?!

"You must have really love her huh?"

"I'm not answering the obvious."

BASTARD! I don't even know how can a woman like this guy?! He's married but he hangs out with me, not to mention cuddling. Ayumi did say that he pays really less attention to her, which proves his ignorant, doesn't care about his wife and everything...

Not to mention he's a demon that kills human and all.

How does this guy has a successful love story in the past?!

"Get up, I'm taking you out for a stroll." He said as he closed the book and put it back on the shelf.


"Somewhere boring."

I rolled my eyes. Than I better just stayed here and being lazy the whole day.

"Here are some girly stuff you need to prepare, and a dress. Make yourself useful and prettied that face. You look ugly." He shoved a bag to me and left the room.

Really? No wonder his love life never last.

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