Chapter 4 - A Fathers Broken Heart

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From the moment Hannibal woke up, he knew something was wrong. He leapt out of bed and ran through the halls to his daughters door. He knocked quietly at first. No response. He knocked again, louder. No response. He knocked again, even louder. Nothing. He opened the door, a heavy feeling in his heart. Nobody. He shook his head, mouth open, before running downstairs, calling "Ophelia! Ophelia, where are you?"

He checked the kitchen, the living room, the dining hall, the games room, even his basement. She was nowhere. She couldn't have gone out, she knows to leave a note. The front door was locked and the key was where he always hid it, under the potted plant by the door. Even Romeo was still asleep. Hannibal ran back to his daughters room, running inside it this time and looking everywhere. Her bed was messy, her pillow misplaced and her window open. He knew in his heart that something horrible had happened to his daughter. He called the police the second he got to a phone, demanding they find his daughter before sitting on the sofa. Hannibal Lecter clutched a polaroid to his chest and wept.

The first thing Ophelia noticed when she woke up was the coldness. She was still wearing her flannel trousers and AC/DC shirt. The old picture she always kept in her pocket was still there and brought a strange sense of familiarity to the unfamiliar situation. Her green eyes darted around the room. Stone walls, some bricks stained red. A strange table which looked like it came straight from a surgery, blood and all, in the middle of the room and finally, a lone chair by the wall.

A man sat, staring at her from the chair. She recognised him as the man from her window. The man plaguing her thoughts. She inched herself closer to the wall with a whimper, causing the man to grin.

"Oh don't worry dear, I'm not here to hurt you." He lied, smiling wider and standing. He slowly stalked towards her, an evil glint hiding behind his cold, dead eyes.

"What do you want with me?" Ophelia whispered, a tear slipping from her eye which she quickly wiped away. She couldn't seem weak, not with him. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Oh its not what I want with you," he stated, stepping closer to her, "its what I want to do with you."

His playful voice sent shivers down Ophelia's spine. He seemed happy. Pleased even. This terrified her. He had the look of someone who had lost everything in a short span of a time, so short it felt like nothing.

"Now." He stepped even closer to her, this time picking up a tool from the table, "Let's begin, shall we?"

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