Chapter 1

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*** Quick Author's Note: Thank you so much for choosing to read Fate Mate! Before you begin, I'd like to give a disclaimer that I wrote this story over the span of about 4 years, starting when I was 16. When I first began writing it, I didn't have an entire plot/storyline planned, and I took VERY long breaks in-between writing chapters. 

As such, there ARE a few discrepancies. The characters and relationships are not as fleshed out, and the story is definitely missing some elements. I am very aware of this-- haha! It is my sincerest hope that this will not dissuade you from reading and enjoying this story, but I feel that a fair warning is required. 

Although I have considered rewriting the story now that I have a better grasp of my strengths and weaknesses as a writer, I have several other writing projects on my plate right now. Rewriting Fate Mate is simply not in the cards at the moment. Rather than take Fate Mate off of this platform due to its faults, I plan on leaving it on Wattpad as a reminder of how far I've come as an author and creator. I plan on leaving it on Wattpad to celebrate it-- the first book I ever completed! 

If you are interested in reading my more recent, polished work, please check out my profile! Thank you, again, for your kindness and support! <3 *** 

I never liked going to parties. But tonight, I made an exception. 

My best friend pulled me through the crowded room with astonishing determination, navigating through the sea of party-goers. I, on the other hand, threw my head back in unattractive laughter and enjoyed the ride. Eventually, we reached our destination: the refreshment table. 

Lizzie and I had already visited the booze-station thrice before, and there was no end in sight.  A variety of bubbling wines and dark-colored liquor lined the table, an impressive display that promised intoxication. But no one seemed to mind. Not even the lightest of light-weights. We were werewolves, after all. 

Werewolves supposedly possessed immunity to the effects of alcohol, at least to some degree. But, at the moment, I seriously doubted the fact. My best friend, Lizzie, swayed drunkenly as she reached for another glass. 

It was the Summer Solstice. The only night of  the year when all four werewolf packs of our region came together to celebrate the beginning of the packs. Only adults pack members have access to the celebrations, and Lizzie and I each turned eighteen a few months ago. We passed the final examinations and graduated just in time to join the rest of our pack members.

Most werewolves regarded The Summer Solstice as a formal event, a time for the packs to mingle in peace. But that did not stop Lizzie and I from fully indulging in our newfound freedom. 

My red-haired best friend downed another glass of champagne, burped, and offered me a sly grin, "Look Charlie, some boys from the Celestial Pack are checking us out! Can we please go talk to them?"

I glanced over my shoulder, hazel eyes scanning the crowds to find the boys in question. I could easily separate the packs based on their clothing-- each dressed in their own pack's colors. Finally, I spotted the boys watching us from a distance.

I wrinkled my nose in unashamed distaste, "You can go talk to them. I'll stay here and laugh at you."

The boys looked our age. Their silvery-blonde hair sleeked back against their heads, a bit too greasy for my taste. But the polished appearance and airy color pallet of their clothing came with membership with the Celestial Pack. I shouldn't reject the boys based on their appearance... 

Lizzie pouted, her lower lip jutting out. She knew I couldn't say no to her.

I groaned, "Fine! Lead the way." 

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