Enchanting Flower

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'What If' moment : This situation was scribbled based on the discussion with Jaga at the park. What If.. the scene continues after Jaga leaves?... This is my take on it.. I don't know how it turns out... I don't know how the reception will be.. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞😍. This is an one shot, scribbled within an hour. I hope its enjoyable. Thank you.

Both Kathir and Mullai felt defeated and devastated after the so called discussion with Jega to solve Moorthy-Dhanam problem didn't go as expected.

Kathir sat at cemented bench under the tree with a heavy sigh, looking into nothing, thinking about a plan on how to convince Moorthy and Dhanam to go for a medical check up, especially fertility test. This is so sensitive and he should be extra careful dealing with such delicate matter.

Mullai let out a disappointed breath, realising they are back to square one,at the starting point of the problem. She stood there under the tree, looking at the ground, playing back everything at the back of her mind looking for a clue, for a chance. None. She was at moot. Kicked a pebble irritatingly and stomped her foot.

The morning air was cool and calming, however it failed to soothe the turmoil in the hearts of two confused soul came seeking for a solution under an age old tree but left with no avail.

The soft breeze gently blew trying to awaken both of the who were lost in their own world, worrying about everything and everyone else but themselves.

Eyes still dead to the world, were brought back to life when a sweet smelling cloud brushed him. With eyes closed, he enjoyed the softness against his face, spontaneously he touched his face.

He felt the cloud that's still clouding his vision, with a smile he pushed it gently from his eyes, revealing the most beautiful scene he had ever seen.

It was like a dream, with wind blowing, birds chirping and the leaves on the tree rustling

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It was like a dream, with wind blowing, birds chirping and the leaves on the tree rustling. The shining sun, formed a soft silhouette outlining around her, hypnotising his every senses.

Standing there like an angel, oblivious..
.. to her own beauty,
.. to the power she has on him.

He felt they were transported into a different world.
A world where there's only both of them.
A world where theres no one to worry about but themselves.
A world where she would know that she is his world.

His angel kicked a pebble and stomped like a child, with a pout on her lips. He couldn't help a small laugh looking at her cuteness.

Then, that brought him back to earth and realised the soft cloud he is holding is the end of her saree that flew to tease him when the wind blew in his direction. Still holding her saree, he took a moment to continue to look at her antics.

A grown woman, a very beautiful angelic woman she is but right now in his eyes she looked like a cherubic child denied her favourite ice cream. Pebble kicking and foot stomping, the classic tantrums of any child were present in his wife, and not forgetting the pout.

However that pout changed in a second and the child transformed into a vamp. Closed eyes, rising chest and the lips between her teeth transfixed him on the cemented bench.

He saw an enchantress, enchanting him. She was the epitome of a woman in every wordly sense to his eyes. His admiration grew every second at every inch and every curves of her.

First, she was an ethereal angel with spellbinding beauty that later transformed into an innocent cute child with mischievous pout. Then, finally into an alluring woman that he couldn't stop feasting his eyes on.

An Angel.
A Child.
A Vamp.
His Wife.
His Mullai.

How is this possible?
He will never know.

She slowly turned towards him with a sad face, pushing her hair behind her ears repeatedly as the wind decided to play with her tendrils non stop. He still couldn't take his eyes from her.

How did he got so lucky to have her as his wife?
He will never know.

However, he will forever be thankful to the power up above or his fate or whatever it may be. Without such force, she would never be his, or would she?
He will never know.

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