Chapter 7 the man of many talents

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I am so sorry about updating this book so late I got called into work at the last minute and it totally threw off my groove so please forgive me.

3rd person POV.

Currently Y/n is in the science lab doing a science experiment with dust and his body trying to see if he can incorporate dust into his systems after a few hours of trial and error he discovers something very fascinating he accidentally stumbles upon his semblance.

(Time skip later)

Y/n is currently in Professor Port's class hearing some more of his boring useless stories about his past eventually something interesting happens.

Port: a warrior must be clever well-trained powerful tenacious resourceful and honorable now who here thinks themselves with these traits?

Y/n's hand instantly shoots up

Y/n: I do professor!

Port: well how interesting why don't you come on down and show us what you got beyond what we've seen before.

Professor port remove the cover off of an object that's been sitting in the corner of the room introducing a Grimm in multiple cages Y/n comes down from his seat and stands at the ready he transforms his left hand into a blade and holds it at the ready.

Port: are you ready?

Y/n: I Was Made ready!

Professor port grabs his musket axe combo weapon and breaks the lock on the cage out of the cage emerges an Alpha Beowolf a creature immediately charges at Y/n Y/n sidesteps the incoming attack and with one Savage Swing of his blade he cuts the Grimm's head off Y/n looks at Professor port with a Sly smile on his face.

Y/n: next

Professor port cuts the lock off the next cage revealing an Ursa Major the mighty creature Roars at Y/n and charges at him swinging its claws trying to cut him Y/n blocks and dodges each of the attacks with ease with a smile on his face Y/n transforms his right arm into its flamethrower configuration in the moment he gets an opportunity he shoves his flamethrower into the Ursa's stomach and lights the Ursa on fire and with one swing of his silver blade he cuts the Ursa in half.

Y/n: is that all you've got throw something at me that actually gives me a challenge.

Port cuts the lock off the last cage the Grimm that emerges from this cage was one that no one in the class that ever seen before play it only heard about and studied this one was known as a bloodgazer otherwise known as a gorgon.

The bloodgazer lets out a loud shriek causing everyone except Y/n to cover their ears it done quickly slithers over to Y/n it starts to attack him Y/n Dodges all of its attacks looking and analyzing for a weak spot eventually he finds his opening ...

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The bloodgazer lets out a loud shriek causing everyone except Y/n to cover their ears it done quickly slithers over to Y/n it starts to attack him Y/n Dodges all of its attacks looking and analyzing for a weak spot eventually he finds his opening the bloodgazer attempts to attack him with its snake hair he sidesteps the attack and with one swing of his blade decapitates each of the snakes causing the bloodgazer to Roar in pain while it is disoriented by the pain Y/n takes the opportunity to stab it in the tail with his blade and cut up along its tail he then gets it in a headlock and with one Savage Flex of his muscles a loud sickening crack to be heard and the bloodgazer goes limp signaling that he snapped its neck the room became deathly silent the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the bloodgazer's body falling to the ground dead.

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