Chapter 17 going for a test drive

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Ravel POV.

Currently in the Underworld Ravel Phenix sister of the great or at least the former great Riser Phenix is sitting by her brother's bedside along with the rest of Riser's Peerage soon enough the parents of Riser and Ravel Lord and Lady Phoenix enter the room.

Lord Phoenix: all of you I want you to leave now this is a private conversation for family ears only.

Soon enough all of Riser's servants leave except for Ravel.

Ravel: what's wrong?

Lord Phoenix: your brother has embarrassed this family he failed to defeat a creature in human skin he completely got his ass kicked and embarrassed the family and himself in front of a lot of noble devils!

Lady Phoenix: honey please calm down I understand you're upset but you don't need to lash out like this.

Lord Phoenix visibly calmed down and regained his composure.

Lord Phoenix: what I'm trying to say is Riser has truly embarrassed the family so I have an idea to help put us back on top.

Ravel: and that would be father?

Lord Phoenix: we want you to go to the new age Academy we want you to attend classes there and we want you to learn everything you can about Y/n L/n and maybe even marry him and have children with him.

To say that Ravel was both shocked and embarrassed is the understatement of the millennium her face had a solar blush and she looked like she was about to faint from embarrassment.


Lady Phoenix goes to comfort her daughter.

Lady Phoenix: Ravel can I talk to you real quick.

Ravel: yes of course mother

Both lady Phoenix and Ravel leave the room to go have a private chat.

Ravel: so what did you want to talk about mother?

Lady Phoenix: it's just about what your father said he believes that this Y/n L/n is an extremely strong individual stronger than any devil that currently exist we overheard that he has the last forbidden gear.

Ravel: that's impossible they were all destroyed long ago during the final days of the Great War.

Lady Phoenix: it's true he even has the eye of Lucifer to prove it and besides I know about your little Shrine to him in your closet.

Once again Ravel had an atomic blush on her face.

Lady Phoenix: I also know you wrote him a love letter.

Ravel: H-H-How did you know?!

Lady Phoenix: let's just say I have a few eyes and ears hanging around and I always like to make sure that my precious little girl is all right.

Ravel: so what do you think I should do?

Lady Phoenix: well for starters I think you should take what your father said into consideration I know you like him maybe even love him and besides the next head of the household needs a strong husband and someone to help her bear strong children.

Ravel still had a Atomic blush on her face she nodded her head she soon realized what her mother said.

Ravel: wait wait wait wait wait take a step back did you just say the next head of the household? What about Riser?

Lady Phoenix: well your brother has just embarrassed himself and the family in a severe way so me and your father have decided that do you should take his place as the next head of the family.

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