i was stuck in the past until you came along.'15

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Cherri’s P.O.V

I kept looking all round me making sure I wasn’t being followed. If Evan was a demon that meant he knew Ralph somehow…and that meant that he could do things that weren’t humanly possible. I wondered if Zane knew or if someone else did. Wait, why would Zane say he got his jaw broken if Evan isn’t even human?

Was Zane covering for him? Then what did that make Zane?

I got off the bus wondering that. What was Evan and Terry arguing about that day? What if she knew too? Wait a minute. I stopped dead in the parking lot. If Ralph was a co. writer of the book that means that Mr. Jenkins family knew him and so did Zane’s. I needed to find Zane and I had to speak to Mr. Jenkins. It was the only way for me to sort things out. I practically ran upstairs. For some reason, today seemed slower then usual. Everyone was in my way or they weren’t moving fast enough. When I finally managed to reach the fourth floor I rushed to Mr. Jenkins room. I burst through the door.

He was sitting behind his desk, reading the newspaper. I walked up to him and knocked the paper out of his hands. His eyes rose room the paper up to my face. “May I help you?” He sounded annoyed.

“Do you know Raphael Essayer?”

His eyes lowered. “No.” He said sharply.

“He also goes by the name Ralph.” I waited.

He was silent for a moment. Just staring at my feet. It was the most awkward moment he and I ever shared. “Maybe I do know him, but what does that matter?” He looked at me now.

“He’s an actual angel and I saw him last night.” I responded.

“I know that.” He stated.

“What does everyone know that I don’t?” I bid all of my frustrated into that one question.

“I can’t.” He shook his head.

“Why can’t you?”

He reached up and held my waist. I didn’t fight him, a part of me didn’t want to while the other didn’t have the energy to. He sat me on his lap. “Because I don’t want to hurt you.” He sighed.

“How will you hurt me?” I whispered.

He rested his head on my forehead and shut his eyes. “If you know too much too soon you’ll die. That’s how its always been.”

“Wait. Do you mean this has been happening more then once?” He nodded. “And am I suppose to be with you?” He nodded again.

When I didn’t speak his eyes flashed open. “Disappointed?” He teased. It wasn’t that I was disappointed. More like shocked that he was actually mine.

“Relieved, actually.” He chuckled at that. I lowered my face into his. “Could I kiss you?” I asked.

“You can try, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He tucked back my hair. I wasn’t sure what to do. It felt so strange. I’ve never even had my first kiss yet. He must of sensed that because he began to laugh before he cradled my face in his hands. I felt his fingers wrap around my hair, he tugged on it softly. Our lips were a few inches apart. We were almost there when the classroom door opened. I flung myself onto the floor and landed with a thud. Mr. Jenkins roared into laughter.

“Relax, it’s just Zane.” He said lending me a hand.

“Zane, you knew about all of this?” I asked him. He nodded as he bit his lip, his face paled. I walked over to him and smacked his arm.

I was stuck in the past until you came along.Where stories live. Discover now