Character Bio

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Name: Sans Zetsubō

A young pessimist with intense feelings of fatigue and hopelessness. He sleeps whenever he can even when in the most unfortunate situations. He has a love for puns and food, not to mention the strange tendency for drinking ketchup out of the bottle. The only thing keeping him together is his brother.

Quirk: Bone and soul manipulation.

Allows Sans to create bones and attack with them. He can also create skull-like blasters, lift and throw people and teleport.

Bone attack: Creates bones and launches them towards the target.
Gaster Blaster: Summons a skull that can shoot beams of...something?
Skeleton form: Can transform himself in just a skeleton. This is also his hero costume.

 This is also his hero costume

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Starting age: 15

Brother: Papyrus (Alive)

Brother to Sans. A cheerful 11 year old kid with a love, but without talent, for cooking.

Father: Dr. Gaster (thrown out of the timelines)

A scientist researching time travel and long-distance teleportation. His quirk allowed him to  teleport and levitate, he can also carry others. He disappeared one day thanks to a failed experiment, leaving a young Sans and Papyrus alone. Sans would like to say he was a great man, but he can't. After the incident all but four people forgot about him, including his sons. The only thing Sans knows about him is that he was a great scientist named Gaster, as told to him by one of Gasters friends. The fact that nobody, even his own sons, can remember such an important scientist only further reinforced Sans' nihilistic personality.

Mother: Unknown (Died while giving birth to Papyrus)

A woman with a bone quirk. She lived away from her family, Sans has never seen her or learned her name.

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