Chapter 1

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At Yale
Rory POV
"Just go, Dean!" I say.

"Ror-" Dean tries to speak, but I cut him off. "Go!" I point to the door and Jess smirks.

I'm confused and frustrated, why would Jess come here? He left Stars Hallow and he left me. Why, now of all times, would he come back?

"Why won't you leave me alone? You won't go away." I say to Jess the same way I'm feeling. Confused and frustrated. "What do you want?" I ask him, more irritated now.

" I don't know," He responds looking at the floor and scuffing his shoes on the ground. "I just wanted to see you, talk to you. I just-" He stops mid sentence.

"What?" I ask him.

"Come with me" He says.

Go with him? "What?" I ask him again. "Come with me" He repeats. "Where?" I'm curious now. "I don't know! Away!" He says. "Are you crazy?" I ask him. I can't drop out of Yale, I can't leave all my family and friends!

"Probably" he responds. "Do it," He pleads. " Come with me. Don't think about it."

"I can't do that." I tell him. "You can do whatever you want." He says.  " It's not what I want." I say. " It is." He replies and I know I really do want to go with him deep down, but I can't leave Yale. And he might leave again. I couldn't deal with that.

"I know you." I say frustratedly. " You don't know me! He says. "I've changed! Look, we'll go to New York, we'll work, we'll be together"

"Jess I can't-" He cuts me off " Only say no if you truly don't want to be with me, not to make me leave you alone." He says.

" Jess, I want to go with you, I really do, but I can't leave Yale. I've worked so hard to get here." I tell him. I know he'll leave again, I know he will.

He sighs. " You don't have to, Ror. We could get a place near here. New Haven, maybe." "But you said you wanted to get away" I say. It sounds more like a question then a statement.

"No, I want to be with you Rory. If you were in Antarctica, I'd go there just to be with you. I know you couldn't count on me before, but you can now. Please come with me."

I sigh. "Jess I love you, I always have, but I can't handle you leaving again, I can't!" I'm on the verge of tears now.

"I won't leave you again, Ror, I promise. I only left last time because I knew I wasn't good enough for you. I came back because I'm trying to be better, and I can't live without you."

" You promise?" I ask

"Cross my heart." He smiles slightly.

I throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly. "I love you, Rory." He whispers into my hair and kisses my forehead. " I love you too" I whisper back.

And we stay there, in each other's arms, for the rest of the night.

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