Chapter 2

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The next morning

Jess POV

I wake up on the couch and immediately scramble to get up. Where am I?

Then the events of last night come flooding back. I am back with Rory and she said she loves me. I didn't think that would ever happen.

Just then, Rory tiptoes into the room. I don't think she noticed that I was awake. I sneak up behind her and slip my hands around her waist. She jumps a little.

"Oh Jess, you're awake!" She says, surprised.

"Yup" I reply and kiss her lightly. She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck. "Hey Jess, since school's done for the year, I was wondering if maybe you would um like to go to Stars Hallow with me? To um y'know tell my mom Luke about us maybe?" She says. "We don't have to" She adds quickly after seeing my face.

"No, no, it's fine, I just..." I trail off. " Just what?" Rory asks me. I sigh. " Your mom, Luke, everyone else in Stars Hallow, do they all hate me? For y'know leaving?"  I look down at the floor. "Jess, you made a mistake. Sure, they were upset, but you're making up for it right now." She tells me. I stare into her piercing blue eyes. I love those eyes.

"Jess." Rory says, snapping me out of my daze.

"What?" I ask, surprised.

"You were staring. Now c'mon I need help moving my stuff to the car." She tells me. " Anything for you, my lady" I say to her sarcastically.

Rory just rolls her eyes. I grab a bag of her clothes and drag it to the car. Rory comes out with two, so I grab one from her. " Hey, I could do that myself!" She sounds half annoyed, half joking. "But thank you" She sounds more grateful now, but there's a hint of jokingness in her voice.

Once all the bags are in the car, Rory slips in the front seat. " I'm gonna drive my car up to Stars Hallow, 'kay?" I ask her. "Oh Jessy please drive up with me, we can get your car another day." She whines, giving me puppy dog eyes

. I roll my eyes and get in next to her, and we begin the car trip to Stars Hallow.

Hi! Sorry it took me so long to update, but I got a small writers block. Please comment ideas for this fanfiction, and please no harsh comments and only constructive criticism. Have a good morning, or night or day, depending on where you live.
- Ingrid

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