Chapter 3

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Rory POV

Jess freezes the second we pull up outside Luke's.

"Oh Jess it will be fine, I promise." I tell him. " Sure" he says sarcastically. I

"C'mon" I say, dragging him out of the car. He reluctantly walks through the door with me.

"Hey Rory" Luke says when he sees me. A moment later he says ".... Jess"

" Luke" Jess says, matching Luke's expression.

"What are you-" Luke begins, but I cut him off. "Well, now that you two have said hello, let's go sit, Jess." I say, fake - cheerily. I sit at the only vacant table and Jess does the same.

"I told you he'd react this way."  He says grumpily. " He acted surprised, not like he hated you." I tell him just as my mom walks in.

" Hey, Rory!" She says cheerfully. "Hey Mom" I reply. And then she notices Jess. " Oh.....hey Jess." She says, a little unsure.

"Lorelai" He replies, much more polite than when he was greeting Luke.

" Well... nice seeing you again, Jess. Bye Rory." She gives a small smile and goes to sit at the bar. In the corner of my eye I can see her and Luke in a hushed conversation.

"You wanna get out of here?" Jess said, irritated and upset by how mom and Luke acted.

"Um alright" I say. "Where to?"

"Bookstore. We'll see if there's a book you haven't read and I'll buy it for you." "Oh no, Jess that's okay, you don't have to" I say. "I insist" He replies, and puts his arm around me.

We're walking past Doose's market, and I see Dean in the window. He staring with a look of pure hatred evident on his face. I speed walk until we've past.

"Why so fast?" Jess asks "Dean" I whisper.

" Let him stare" Jess says. I don't answer. Instead, I slip my hand into his, and rest my head on his shoulder.

And in that moment, I know I made the right choice.

Hello my lovely readers! Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated, but I've been busy with school and stuff. I will update as often as possible. Have a wonderful day noon morning and night!

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