★ 01 - TIRED ★

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He's standing there, at the edge of the building and trying to hold his tears from falling to his cheeks. The boy is tired and he had enough, he hold his chest and close his eyes. Trying to appreciate every breath he got and not giving up to just a small matter.

His vision blurry and he had no choice. He want to end this, Yang Jeongin is tired. He had enough!  When he's ready to let his body crash and his bones crack into pieces, someone holding tight on his waist!

" Are you crazy?! "

The unknown owner of the voice pull him, and they both fall to the floor.  Jeongin sniffle and try to wipes his tears. He's truly sorry for what he did but he just can't fight it.

" I'm sorry Lixie Hyung.."

Felix hug the boy knowing that he had a hard time. He hardly breathing and suffocating himself, " It's okay Innie.. I'm here with you.. "

Jeongin's hand grab tightly the clothes that Felix wear and he won't let go. He needs someone to hug and Felix is the right person for  it. Felix won't let him down, cause he's already see another side of him. Worse than the real version of Yang Jeongin. A side where anybody can take benefits.

Felix let out a small sigh, his single handed hand reach out to Jeongin's pocket and he hit an emergency button. And slowly he feel warm breath at his cape and he realise, Jeongin fall asleep.

But his hand didn't even let go the shirt, Felix patting Jeongin's head to ensure he fall deeper into a sleep. This is a long day for both of them but it's really a tiring day for Jeongin.

" Lix?! "

Felix hummed to the boy, and the boy walks quickly towards both of them.

" He fall asleep? "

Felix nod, and Minho chuckle. He knows how hard to handle Jeongin when he's sleeping. Minho grab all Jeongin's stuff and leading the way for Felix. Little did he know, Jeongin fall deeper. Into a space called little space.

That's the last space he wanted to go. Minho can't guess at age of when Jeongin regress this time, but seeing from the way he sleep, maybe one year old? 

Felix pull up the boy and carry him all the way down. When they reach at the practice room, they ask permission to go home. Little Jeongin will come out soon and being in a space like this isn't a good choice.

Soon after, Felix can hear a giggle.

" Baby? Are u wake up? "

Little Jeongin nodded his head and starts sucking his thumb, Minho without wasting time put a pacifier in the youngest mouth.

" I guess, Innie is really small today.. He barely talks and babble.."

Felix kiss his forehead, and calling for his little pumpkin.

" Hye Bubba.."

" Da da! "


Innie whine all the time when they reach home, didn't want help from Felix or Minho. Only one person in his mind, Hyunjin. His Mama, another caregiver alongside Felix and Minho.

Felix already give up, only waiting for his boyfriend to come over and settle down his baby. Jeongin really tired but Innie didn't give a cooperation and it's resulting a sad tears echoing through the house.

Different laugh are echo behind the main door and Minho cross his hand when he see Hyunjin between them. " Thanks lord! "

Innie crawl to the main door with tears and Hyunjin pull him up. " Peach, Mama already here.. Now stop crying and let's take a bath okay? "

Innie shook his head, didn't want to clean himself and want to cuddle right away with Hyunjin. Not a good choice Innie.

" Nuh Mama! "

Hyunjin sits on the couch while stroking the youngest hair, Felix is beside him giving a circle rub for Jeongin at the back. They both know, Jeongin is freaking tired.

" Pumpkin.. Wake up? "

A pair of glossy eyes open up and SKZ members giggle when they see it. " I know you're tired but can you let me clean you first?  Bad boy goes to sleep without taking a bath won't have  cuddle with Mama and Dada tonight.. Hyungie won't give u a cuddle as well.."

Those eyes soon teary enough and Innie nodded. Hyunjin kiss Jeongin's head,  " That's my peach! Thank you baby, now let's go.."

Didn't wanting to let go Felix's hand, Felix scoop Innie and walks with him to the bathroom. " Minho Hyung, can you prepare his stuff? "

"On my way Lix!"

Chan scratch his head and massage his temple, " Is this my fault? "

Jisung give a glare death to him and nodded. " Hell Chris, you don't need to yell at him and make him feel intimidate. You know this will happen and Innie won't slip out from the headspace easily! "

" I know you're stress with the comeback and deadline of your song, but blame all of this happen because of Innie isn't a good choice. You know the real reason why Jeongin become like that. We ALL KNOW.. "

Seungmin's words make Chan choke his own saliva, he forget about the promise he made with the youngest. He knows his story but he yell at him.


That's Changbin.

Woojin really want to choke Chan for God's sake right now! 

" Jeongin has an appointment for braces tomorrow. And you know what, Innie won't be easy to handle tomorrow. And you gonna face with Hyunjin temper tomorrow.. "

That's it Chris!  You're done for real!

Hyunjin throwing a fit because of Innie is the last thing he want to face in his life. Handling Jeongin's fit is much easier than Hyunjin + Innie.

The other guys leave him alone, letting him battle with his own thought and regret. Chan really cross the line for today.


" Did he fall asleep already? "

Hyunjin nod his head as answer for Minho's question. Minho let out a small sigh and sit on the floor.

He really happy that the day finally end for Jeongin and Innie. The little sleep well and sucks on his pacifier. He looks comfortable in the onesie.

Felix come out from the bathroom while drying his hair. Hyunjin stretch his body and ask them, what's is happening while he had another schedule.

Felix close his eyes when he remember what happen to his baby, not brave enough to tell his lover. Hyunjin will explode for sure.

Minho scrunched his nose and starts telling Hyunjin what was happened to Jeongin. 

" Are you serious Hyung?! Is Chan out of his mind?!  Jeongin is freaking hurt and he told him to get lost?!  Yaa! "

Hyunjin's scream make Innie whine, Felix run to his baby and pat his back. " Calm down dear, we will talk about this tomorrow with him. Innie really need to sleep cause he got an appointment tomorrow."

Minho nod,  " And it's braces appointment.. "

Hyunjin grab his hair knowing he will face with a great tantrum tomorrow.

Minho switch off the light and they sleep at the same room with Innie. None of them will leave him when he's not in a good mood.


Sorry for any grammatical error. This is the very first fluff genre I make. Don't hesitate to leave a comment and vote juseyo.. Thank chu! 

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