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Chan stare at Innie who's currently immersed in his new toy, slime with hard texture. The little looks amazed with how the slime can stay in shape despite how many times he squish it.

Chan never feel sorry to Innie if he cried because he knows Innie only cried when he can't have what he wants. But for a week ago, Innie will cry every night until he fall asleep.

Woojin's departure from the group really impacted on him emotionally, mentally and physically. Felix always had a hard time to put Innie on bed, and ended up both of them stay up all night.

Since Felix need his own rest, Chan decided to take Innie and care for him for two days, giving his parent the deserving sleep they need.

He calls out for Innie, and the little look at him. He's tilting his head, wondering why Chan calls for him.

"Promise me you gonna sleep tonight baby?  You're tired blossom."

Innie stay silent, didn't dare to give an answer. Chan know this will be the reaction hence he let Innie be at it. "Blossom, can we go to your room?  Your pretty room still here tho?"

""M woom?!  Wanna!"

The little giggles and Chan pat his head, "Wait for 10 minutes, I need to sweep the floor first. I don't want you to dirty your cute onesie baby."

And Chan walk away from Innie, leaving the baby alone in the living room. Innie is currently crawling around in the living room, trying to reach everything he can reach with his height.

Ever since their big fight previously, Innie already grown his trust to Chan after a while. They've spent time together for years and Innie convince himself to trust Chan.

And Chan thankful to God for the second chance. He won't make that stupid mistake for a second time! He remember the day he yelled and mad at Innie because of he ate chocolate while practicing.  That's such a lame reason to yell at Innie.

Far across the room, Chan is watching Innie.
Trying to keep an eye on him as he knows sometimes Innie can do something unexpected. After he ensure the room is free from dust, he calls out for the baby.

Innie is crawling on the floor while sucks on his pacifier. He always love how the little freely express himself among them, and Innie always choose to be a baby.

Innie enter the room at sit himself on foam floor that Felix installed back then after Innie injured himself back then.  And it happened one month after Innie fractured his ankle.

Chan watch the baby while looking for a gift box he hides under the blanket. And Innie didn't aware about it. Chan sits on the floor and tap the floor to attract the baby's attention.

"Come here baby.. I got your present!"

Innie giggles and walk to Chan, and try to climb on his lap.

"Easy bub.. "

Chan sit Innie on his lap, and he ask the baby to open it. Innie open the box and he's in shock. His jaw literally fall onto the floor and his dummy as well.

Didn't mind to put it back in his mouth, the little outfit in design of fox and pikachu are there.

Innie turns around and hug Chan tightly. "Thank chu Channie!"

Chan giggles and kiss Innie's forehead, "You wanna wear this baby? Choose one.. I'm sure you gonna looks cute in either one of this!"

Innie pat the pikachu outfit, "I knew it!  You gonna choose this one! Come on!"

Innie is holding onto Chan's shoulder while Chan take off his current outfit and replace it with the pikachu onesie.

And like Chan expect, Innie plopped himself onto the floor and rolling on it. He's smelling the new outfit and giggles.

"You like it baby?"

Innie nods and let out a sigh, ""m mish Jinnie.."

"Aww.. Bub, come here.. Let me tell you something."

Innie crawls to Chan and he hug Chan, while resting chin on Chan's shoulder. Chan pats Innie's back and brush his hair, "Baby, have you ever feel pain?  You want to stop crying but you can't because it hurts you so much?"

Innie nods his head, "When "m bwaces off.."

"And that's happen to Jinnie as well. He hurt himself deeply, somewhere we can't see the scars and the wound baby. And he needs to go because only that can make him happy.."

"So, Jinnie ish happy now?  He won't cwy?"

"He won't baby, let me show you his picture right now. He's smiling wide like he used to be baby boy.."

Chan scroll his phone, and goes to Woojin's Instagram account, then showed to Innie how Woojin is doing right now.

Innie scroll the phone and he take a look at all the pictures updated by Woojin. He can see clearly his Papa Bear is smiling wide.

"Jinnie is happy right Channie?"

"He is baby.. And I want you to be happy too.. Can you do it baby?  My little blossom didn't deserved the sad face, Innie only deserved tons of happiness and smiles!"

Innie is smiling widely and he hugs Chan. "Don't weave "m.."

"I won't baby boy.. Now, let's do something while waiting for our food delivery. You gonna stay here tonight baby!"

Innie is excited and he pull out a coloring book from his bag, lay down himself on stomach to the floor and starts coloring the book.

Chan decide record the moment as Innie starts humming to his favourite song and waddling his legs to the hair.

Excitement can be seen from the baby's eyes! He's focusing in coloring the book and might thinking to give it to Woojin.

Chan caressed Innie's hair and smiled. He never thought Innie will be here with him alone since their big fight.

He's afraid that moment will ruin his relationship with Innie but it didn't as Innie is a forgiver. He never hold a grudge, and to be honest Innie isn't good in holding his anger.

Soon after, a sound of bell echoed in the house and Chan runs to the door, picking up the food and prep it for Innie.

"Baby!  Come out, our dinner is ready. I'll tuck you to bed tonight and I'll ensure you gonna sleep well. "

Innie give his wide smile and plays with his rubic while Chan spoonfeed him with porridge.

After a while, Innie starts feeling sleepy. He's tired due to his excitement today and all the playful thing he made.

Chan clean all the mess and carry him into his room, he dims the light and they both lay down on the bed.

Innie snuggle into Chan's chest while playing with his little blanket, "Thank chu Channie.. Wove chu.."

"I love you too baby blossom.. Sleep well, don't cry in your dream anymore.. Jinnie is going to be fine. " Chan rubs the baby's back and not a long after he follows Innie to the dreamland.


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