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BTS has finally arrived at the airport. As usual, a whole crowd is waiting for them at the entrance but this time, it is a whole lot more than usual considering that the whole incident that went down the other day. The press was eager to get some controversial news about the ordeal that went down, especially towards Jungkook.

The mics were shoved at his face looking for some response to their onslaught of question. Their manager and bodyguards desperately tried to blocked them from reaching the boys. They all just look at each other and nodded amongst themselves and went on. They all quickly went to the private section where cameras are now off limits, perhaps they could get some privacy before entering their flight.

It was just merely hours before they leave, but all felt heavy in their hearts to leave. Jungkook clenched his chest and try to suppress the emotional toll on him.

"Tzuyu-ah.... please be careful. I'll be back soon enough." He bitterly smiled at the ground.


"Come on Jackson! BTS's flight is now 2 hours before takeoff. We need to hurry up!" Jeongyeon was kicking Jackson's seat from behind.

"Will you just give me a sec! The traffic jam was bad enough." Jackson groaned as he immediately park them at the drop zone.

One by one, they dropped of the pick up platform, equipped with all the disguise they need to safely traverse the whole airport without being recognised.

"I'll be waiting at the parking lot when you're done. Jihyo just give me a call." Jihyo nodded at him and off they went.

All of Twice carefully navigate throughout the airport in search of them, not knowing that they all were separated in the process. Nayeon took notice of this and quickly panicked. "Guys?"

Perhaps they went the other, I'm sure the departure area is this way. Nayeon cluelessly try to figure out where they went or even where is BTS is. Nayeon walked along the bridge that was crossing the huge tarmac below. She looked back for one second to make sure that she didn't passed anyone she know when suddenly she bumped into a tall figure.

She dropped down to the ground, butt first. Nayeon groaned in pain and was trying to stand up when a hand were presented in front of her. "I'm sorry Miss. I don't know I'm in your way."


Nayeon looked up and saw his beautiful jet black orbs that was piercing through her. "J-Jin?" The man tilted her head in shock. "N-Nayeon?"


"Where do they ran off to?" Dahyun lose sight of her members in the VIP lounge. Technically, this is the place where important people comes to wait for their flights without being hassled by the public. So Dahyun thought this is the place where BTS is most likely to be at.

Unfortunately for her, they aren't there to much of Dahyun's dismay. She sighed as she thought that she failed to find them. She went to a local bar inside the lounge and asked the bartender for a simple beverage. Non-alcoholic because alcoholic ones doesn't suit her taste

"One glass of diet coke would be nice."

"One Bourbon on the Rocks."

A simple voice made them both look at each other. They both were stunned to see each other in such a setting.




"Oh come on, one second I turn around and they all vanish?! You've gotta be kidding me." Jeongyeon stomped her feet in anger. In doing so, she accidentally dropped her phone and slide along the cold marble floor.

Don't Leave (Tzukook) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now