The strange clock

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Avalon knew she was a witch, her dad was Harry Potter the boy who lived, and Heromine Granger. She was born three months before her parents were married so her last name was Potter-Granger but she just went with granger.
"Super!" Called Heromine from the kitchen. Avalon ran down the stairs to the dinner table. She smiled when she saw who was there.
"Uncle Ron! And Ginny!" She said with a smile as she hugged Ginny. Ron and his sister Ginny were Weasleys, they weren't actually her aunt and uncle either they were just good friends of Harry as Heromine. "I didn't know you guys were coming over!" She said as she hugged Ron.
"Michel and Jinny come see who's here!" Yelled harry after hugging Ginny. Avalon's sister Jinny was named after Ginny Weasley. A seven year old boy with dark brown hair came running down the stairs followed by a nine year old girl with brown hair.
"Ron!" Shouted Michel Avalon's younger brother as she ran and jumped into Ron's arms. Avalon went into the kitchen to set the dinning table.
"Thanks Ava." Jinny said as she walked into the kitchen followed by Ron, Ginny, Harry, Michel and Heromine. Avalon sat down at the table beside her mom and aunt Ginny.
"So are you excited to got to hogwarts?" Asked Ginny with a smiled as she scooped potatoes out of a pot.
"Yeah, but we haven't gotten my stuff yet." She said with I small sigh.
"Well we are going with you to get your stuff on Monday." Said Ron as he poured some pumpkin juice into his cup. Avalon smiled as she started to eat.
When super was finished Avalon took all the dishes and put then in the sink. Harry and the other adults went to the family room to talk, while all the kids went to their rooms. As Avalon went up the stairs she cot a little bit of the conversation "Dumbledor said weird things are happening at-" Avalon didn't stay around to listen she didn't want to get into trouble. In her bed room she sat on her bed and looked out at the starry sky and sighed.
She crawled under she cover to go to sleep. She was just about asleep when there was a loud Tick-Tock. She new there were no clocks like alarm clocks up stairs so she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.
About five minutes later she heard it again. She crawled out if her bed and slipped on her grey Nike runners. She quietly tried to open her squeaky door. She looked around to make sure everyone was sleeping. She started to head down the rug covered stairs following the loud tick-tock sound. When she passed the kitchen to head to the basement stairs she saw Ginny having what looks like a cup of tea.
"Why are you awake Avalon?" Ginny asked looking at Avalon curiously.
"I-I heard a clock sound. It's gone now but it was conning from the cellar." Avalon replied taking a seat next to Ginny.
"Well if you hear it again, let me know." She said with a smile "wanna hear a story?" Ginny asked taking a sip of her tea.
"Is it another Hogwarts story?" Avalon asked smiling as she poured her self a cup of tea.
Ginny shook her head yes "so you know how I had a huge crush on Harry, right?" Ginny asked while looking at Avalon. "Well it was my first year at Hogwarts an I had found a journal, that belonged to Tom. I said all my secrets to Tom. but he had gained control over me. I opened the chamber if secrets and let the serpent out. I didn't realize what I had done." Ginny took a breath then continued " the serpent petrified people who looked at it through a mirror. Heromine was one of them who was attacked. One day I disappeared and harry and Ron found me. Harry defeated You-Know-Who, who was actually tom." Ginny said with a small frown.
"You-know-who is lord Vol- I hear it again!" Avalon said jumping to her feet. Ginny got to her feet and followed Avalon to the basement where they found a red alarm clock freaking out.
"What the hell..." Ginny said as she grabbed the clock. She tried turning it off but that didn't work. She went to take out the batteries but.. There were none... "Well..." Ginny threw the clock against the ground and it shattered into a million parts.
A white mist came out if the clock an out the window. "What was that?" As Avalon.
Ginny shrugged "no clue.. Well you should go to bed." Ginny said still in shock about the clock.
The two of the heeds up the stairs and to the bed rooms "good night Ginny" Avalon said after a long yawn. Ginny smiled back. Avalon crawled back into her covers, her eyes now heavy and she fell a sleep in minutes.
Avalon dreamed of what Hogwarts would be like, the feasts everything. But she was still waiting for here list of items needed. The person I charge of mailing letters at Hogwarts forgot to put it in the letter. So she just waited hoping it would come soon..

{ okay sorry if there are a few spelling errors, if you see a major on please tell me. Also comment how you like it.}

Avalon Granger and the broken spiritWhere stories live. Discover now