Off to Diagon Alley

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A snowy white owl flew through the window and landed on Avalon, who woke up from the weight of the bird. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the owl. She sat up and untied the letter from the owls leg. She opened the letter and saw her list.
It was Monday morning and they had plans to get her school stuff today, her parents said that if she didn't get her supply list my today they would have to wait.
She gave the snowy owl some seeds then it flew out the window. Once the owl left Avalon opened her closet an took out. Clean blue jeans, a white suit top, and her grey cardigan. Once she got her clothes on she tied her grey Nike runners up and ran down stairs with the letter to the family room where Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Heromine sat discussing a Quidditch match that was on this morning
"Mum, dad! I got the list!" She said excitedly. She smiled as she looked what was on the list

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

First-year students will need:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all students should carry name tags
All students should have a copy if each if the following:
Standard book of spells (grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A beginners guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
1000 magical herds and fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical drafts and potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic beasts an where to find them by Newt Scamander
The dark forces: A self guide to self protection by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 brass scales
Students may also bring and owl, cat or Toad

Avalon looked at the long list then showed it to harry "ahh.. The same stuff I needed. If fact it's the same list!" Said harry amazed harry had never looked at a first years wizards supply list besides his own.
Avalon smiled as she sat beside Ginny and Heromine. "So when can we go?" She asked with a smile that showed how excited she was to go."
Ron laughed "you better not end up like Heromine!" Ron said with a loud laugh. Ginny elbowed him in the Side making Heromine laugh.
"What wrong with reading all the books before school starts?" Asked Avalon acted almost exactly like Heromine when it came to school. Even in the few years she went to muggle school.
"Nothing..." Ron said putting his hands up in defence. "Well just the fact you will have no friends at first.." Ron mumbled.
Heromine stood up a furious look on her face. Ginny elbowed Ron again. Heromine walked off to the kitchen "nice going Ron!" Ginny growled as she got up and went to the kitchen followed by Avalon.
"Sometimes I just can't stand Ron!" Heromine growled as she took a thing of eggs out if the fridge. Avalon stood there quietly, she turned her head as she heard foot steps running down the stairs.
Jinny and Michel, Jinny ran to harry and sat beside him while Michel sat on Ron's lap. "So when are we going to Diagon Ally?" Asked Michel moving is dark brown hair away from his eyes.
"After we eat." Heromine yelled into the living room. She was still mad at Ron. "Avalon can you get the butter from the fridge?" She asked
Avalon went and took the butter out of the white fridge. "What are you making mum?" She asked handing the butter to Heromine
"Pancakes." She said with a smile. Heromine loved pancakes but they didn't have them too often
When Heromine was done cooking with the help if Ginny and Avalon she called "food is ready." And all the boys and Jinny came into eat
"When we go to Diagon Ally can we go to the sweet shop?" Asked Jinny with a smile as she eat her last pancake
Harry laughed a little " Of course." He said with a smile as he stood up to collect the plates. Once all the plates were in the sunk they started washing them selves.
"Ready for the drive to London?" Asked Ginny who was standing at the door waiting for the others. Avalon and her family didn't go to Diagon Ally very often. But when they did Avalon loved going to the book store and the new Quidditch supply store. Avalon may be what they call a 'nerd' or a ' Teachers Pet ' in the muggle world but she had a secret love for some sport witch were baseball and basket ball in the muggle and Quidditch in the wizard world, of course she loved Quidditch most of all.
Avalon ran up the steps to her room. She had three Quidditch player posters; Dylan fop the Ireland team seeker, Kelvin Cortwatch the Scotland team seeker, an Blake Walsh the Ireland team keeper he was also the team leader. Avalon had a massive crush on all three. Dylan had an amazing smile and his dark brown hair was short and sort of spiked in the front. Kelvin looked a lot like Dylan but he had freckles and flaming red hair like Ron's and Ginny. Blake looked a lot different, he had dark brown hair but lighter then Dylan's, his hair was long enough that it just covered his eyes and he was the youngest player on the Ireland team.
By looking at the posters on her walk she remember that the Irish Quidditch Team was going to be at Fangs Quidditch supplies (the new Quidditch shop) from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm. Avalon flew down the stairs "we have to go now!" She said as she slid to a stop by Ginny.
"Why?" Said Avalon's little sister Jinny. Jinny and Michel didn't care much about Quidditch. Jinny was into werewolves and Michel was into pranks and sweets.
Avalon sighed as she pulled her brown hair into a pony tail "because, the Irish Quidditch teams going to be at the Quidditch shop!" She said really excited. Jinny roles her eyes.
"Okay everyone ready? Let's go." Harry said heading out the door and to the car. The car was a redish SUV they all got into the car. Harry was driving, Ron in the passenger seat, Avalon sat In front if her siblings and beside Ginny and her mom.
Harry smiled as he sifted the car into gear, "don't worry we will be there in three shakes on a lambs tail." He said pushing the peddle down all the way. In about fifteen minutes they arrived at Leaky Cauldron. Harry parked the car out side the door an got out and held the side door open for Hermione, Ginny and Avalon. When Jinny and Michel came out Michel had to shut the car door behind him.
"You guys can go I'll get my stuff." Avalon said as the family walked through the pub. They went out the back door of the pub, there was a small court yard with a brick wall around it. Harry took out his wand and taped the third brick. The wall opened creating a passage to Diagon Ally.
"I'll go with you." Ginny said walking through the passage. Avalon smiled, she was glade Ginny wanted to come with her.
It was a busy day in Diagon Ally probably because of the Irish Quidditch. "Can we go to The Quidditch supply store first?" Avalon asked moving a string of hair from her eyes. Ginny nodded with I smirk.
The two if the walked down the cobble stone road to the Quidditch shop. There was barely a line to see the Quidditch team. Avalon stood in the line with Ginny. When it was their turn Avalon was so excited her heart was racing. "What's your name miss?" Blake asked with a charming smile
" A-Avalon.." She said in shock that he talked. She put down a Quidditch team poster "can I also have a photo?" She asked with a hopefully smile.
"Of course!" Kelvin said after signing his name. "Who who?" He asked his smile also charming.
"Everyone, they just Dylan, you, and Blake." She asked with a little blush
Dylan smiled "okay follow us their s photographer in the back." He said gesturing the back.
Avalon smiled following the team to the back. She stood in the middle of the team holding Blake's broom. All of the team left besides Blake who she still had to get a photo with. " so tell me a bit about your self?" He asked looking into her eyes. His sparkling brown eyes were just so perfect.
"Okay..." Avalon hesitated. "Well it's my first year at Hogwarts, I wasn't able to go last year because I went to a school in the muggle world and I was already signed up, so yeah." She blushed a little "I love Quidditch your my favourite player." She said with a cute smile.
Blake smiled "I'm teaching some Quidditch and broom flying at Hogwarts this year, the younger teacher they've ever had." She said as he moved some of his hair away from his eyes "ready for the picture?" He asked with teeth sparkling.
Blake stood beside Avalon and kissed her cheek right when the picture was taken. He smiled "hope that made it special. Here have my first jersey, I got a new one but don't tell anyone okay?" He said with a smile.
As Blake walked away Avalon got the pictures from the photographer. Then went out to see Ginny Avalon was still happy and blushing she's just couldn't believe it was happening to her!
"Let's get your stuff." Ginny said with a large smile. "Let's get your robes, follow me." Ginny said walking left from the Quidditch supply store. The approached a larger building but still small compared to some stores.
Avalon opened the door to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions shop, a small bell rang and a old short lady with greyish, red hair. "Hogwarts?" The lady asked, Avalon shook her head yes. "Stand on this stool while I get my tap measure." Avalon stepped on the stool and stood still.
When the lady came back she measured Avalon's waist, and shoulders. Then went into the back an came back out with a Hogwarts robe. The lady said how much it was and Avalon gave her a exact amount.
"Know where to?" Avalon asked looking at her list. "How about a wand." She said with a smile, she always wanted her wand and know she can get it.
"It's this w-" Ginny started to say but was cut off by Avalon
"I know where it is." She smiled as she dragged Ginny down the road to Ollivander's Wand Shop to get her wand
She opened the door after taking a deep breath "hello," said a man with round glasses an grey hair "wand time huh?" He say in a funny voice. The old man kind if scared Avalon but she tried not to think about that.
The old man looked at Avalon and straight into her mind or at least that's what it felt like "I know!" The man scurried to the back and came out with a royal blue wand box. The man opened it, "11 1/2 inch, ebony wood, with dragon heartstring. Give it a whirl." He said handing it to Avalon. She gave the wand a small wave "perfect!" Said the man "so what's your name miss?" He asked
"Avalon Granger, sir." She replied, she usually left out the potter part because it was just easier.
"Potters daughter, eh? 11 inch, holly wood, and Phoenix feather." The mad said with a kind smile "I remember ever wand I ever sold." Avalon and Ginny walked out of the wand shop.
After they got all her stuff Avalon looked at her list and saw that it said she could bring a pet. "I'm going to ask dad if I can get a cat." Avalon told Ginny as they walked to the ice cream shop, where they saw Hermione, Harry and her two siblings.
"Do you want ice cream Ava?" Asked harry as Ginny and Avalon took a seat. Avalon didn't like being called Ava but she always ignored it.
"No thanks, but can I get a cat? Please?" She asked looking at Hermione.
" sure!" Hermione said with a smile "I come with you."
"Me to." Ginny said also smiling. The girls walked to Magical Menagerie. A pet store that had everything to do with pets. "So what type of cat do you want?" Ginny asked walking down Main Street.
"A ginger, like what mum had.... But not exactly." Avalon replied as they turned the corner to the street the pet store was on. Hermione smiled.
"Okay we are here." Hermione said opening the door, the bells on the top of the door rang.
"Hello, what would you like?" Asked a short old lady with curly grey hair.
" umm.. My daughter would like a cat." Hermione said looking around the store. She hadn't been here for a while, last time she was here she got her cat Crookshanks.
"I have the prefect one!" The little lady nearly shouted running of into the the back. When she came back in to sight she was carrying a medium sized kitten "his name is, LunaNass. He's a ginger cat, I purebred too." She said handing the kitten to Avalon.
"I love him! How much?" Avalon asked gently petting the kitten.
"Free, for you. No one else wanted him. Said he was too big." The lady said with a smile
"Really?! Thank you!" Avalon said as she lifted but the kitten to look at it's face.
"Bye." Ginny waved as the three of them walked out the door. "That is the worlds cutest kitten! May I hold him?"
Avalon let her hold the kitten all the way back to Harry, Ron and her brother an sister
"Let's head home." Harry said standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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