Chapter 16: who are you

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Justin POV:
I woke up the next morning and realizing I just cheated on Ariana with my ex . What am I going to do . I can't tell her cause she don't need to be stressed. " Goodmorning sunshine " Malaya said " get up" I said " why" Malaya said " this shouldn't have happened " I said " but you wanted me tho" Malaya said " I have a girlfriend I love her you should go" I said " fine" Malaya said she got up and put on her clothes and left. I went and took a shower and washed my hair . I put on a black shirt and some pants with some vans. I walked downstairs. I didn't see my mom I guess she went to work early. So tomorrow is my birthday. I'm finally gonna be 18 . I know I'm not grown yet but I know that I'm have to step up and be a father. Be there for Ariana . I grabbed my keys and walked out the door . I got in my car and drove to school. I got out and went inside and went to my class. " Justin can I see you for a moment " teacher said " sure " I said I got up and went to him" Justin you have been missing a lot of class your grades are starting to go down " teacher said " I know I just have a lot on my mind" I said " well you need to start focusing on your school work or you won't be able to graduate " teacher said " can I do extra credit" I said " you need to write a two page paper on what you want to do in your life and what you see yourself doing in the future. I need it tomorrow " teacher said " okay " I said after class I was thinking how am I going to write a paper tonight. I haven't seen Ariana all day . So I called her

" hello" she said " baby where you at" I said " I stayed at home today I didn't feel good" she said " awww you want me to come see you or bring you anything " I said " no it's okay " Ariana said " are you sure" I said " I'm sure should be doing your work " Ariana said " I am but I wanted to check on you since I haven't seen you" I said " awww I love you " Ariana said " I love you too I gotta go" I said then I hung up the phone . I sat down and lunch and started writing my paper. I wasn't really hungry. " Justin" Malaya said coming up to me " what do you want now" I said " I know you tryna avoid me but I miss you " Malaya said " well I don't miss you so go" I said "we still need to talk about last night " Malaya said " listen last night shouldn't have happened we were just in a moment that's all it was" I said continuing writing" Justin I love you " Malaya said " ok and" I said " I don't wanna hurt you but I will send Ariana videos" Malaya said " what kind of videos " I said " of us last night " Malaya said " so you recorded us" I said " yes I did now you need to do what I say or I'm sending it to Ariana " Malaya said " Malaya you wouldn't " I said " watch me" Malaya said she clicked on the video in her phone and pressed Ariana name . I got and tried to stop here before she did it but it sent. I gotta get to Ariana before she sees it. I got my papers and ran to my car. I went to Ariana house. I knocked on the door. Ariana opened it " Justin what are you doing here " Ariana said " can I see your phone my phone died I need to text my mom" Justin said " okay sure" Ariana said she gave me her phone I seen a notification from Malaya I went to it and deleted it. I gave her back her phone " how you feeling" I said " I'm okay i just need to eat " Ariana said " well I can make you something " I said " I already made some food" Ariana said she went and grabbed her plate of food. " baby my birthday tomorrow " I said sitting down beside her " oh really " Ariana said " yea" I said I was looking worried" are you okay" Ariana said " yea I'm just tired and gotta focus of writing this paper" I said " well you should take a break" Ariana said " I don't know " I said she started kissing me and started to take my shirt off she was kissing me until she seen those hickies Malaya gave me. She got up " Justin " Ariana said " yes" I said " where did them hickeys come from" Ariana said " Malaya"
I said looking disappointed " why Justin " she said started to cry" I'm sorry baby we just got caught in a moment " I said " where did this happen" Ariana said " my house last night my mom doesn't know that me and her broke up " I said " so you cheated on me" Ariana said " I'm sorry " I said " I just can't believe you" Ariana said she started punching my chest and throwing things at me" ARIANA STOP BEFORE YOU BREAK SOMETHING" I said to her " YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME" she yelled " I do love you " I said "JUSTIN YOU PUT A BABY IN ME AND YOU KNOW I DONT NEED TO BE STRESS AND YOU DO SOME SHIT LIKE THAT" Ariana said she was crying and crying " baby I'm so sorry " I said trying to hug her she pushed me really hard I hit the wall. She kept punching my chest I grabbed her and pushed her on the ground I ended up slapping her. I didn't mean to but she was making me mad. " GET OUT" Ariana said I grabbed my keys and walked out the door I drove my car as fast as I could I ended up wrecking my car into someone I got out my car and made sure they was okay I called the ambulance and the police so as they got there they got the woman out her car ." So sir what's your name" police officer asked "Justin Bieber" I said " can I see your license " police officer said I gave it to him . He brought it back " sir I'm have to arrest you " police officer said " arrest me for what " I said "you were clearly driving to fast and hit this woman so you need to come with me" police officer said putting handcuffs on me he put me in the back of the police vehicle.

Minutes later :

We got to the jail and they took the handcuffs off of me and took my fingerprints and told me I had one free call. So I called my mom " hello" she said " momma " I said " Justin where are you" she said "
I'm in the county jail I messed up momma " I said " Justin so when can you get out "Momma said " I don't know I was thinking you can pay my bail" I said " baby I don't have the money to get you out right now " mom said " but what about our lawyer can you talk to him" I said " I will see but baby just be strong you will be out in no time" momma said then she hung up this is not the way I wanna start my birthday.

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