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I hate this story so so so so so so so so much and I'm only leaving it up because a bunch of people told me it was good. I hate it in all honesty and I'm so sorry to everyone reading it.



It had been a month since Niall and I admitted our feelings for each other. We didn't start dating right away, though, considering we had only known each other for a few days. Instead, we decided to wait it out and see his everything went in a month's time.

"Are you ready for the game?" Niall asked as we stood in the locker room changing.

"Of course," I answered. "You're gonna be great babe." I slipped my shirt on and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then headed out to join the rest of the team on the field. Niall came out only a few seconds after myself, and we, myself, Niall, and the team, stood in a circle.

"I expect you boys to go out there and beat their asses," Coach told us. "We aren't going to give Calum the satisfaction of beating us, are we?" A roar of "no's" followed and he smiled.

"Alright, go take your positions, boys."

The eleven of us ran out onto the field and took our positions. Niall took defensive midfield and I took attacking midfield. He looked amazing in his uniform and standing right in front of me. Gah did his bum look lovely.

Once the whistle was blown, everything went crazy. Niall was here and there while I followed behind and protected him at all costs. Niall hadn't made any goals throughout most of the game, though. He would pass off to Hayden or Zayn and they would score.

By the time we only had a minute left in our game, we were tied with the opposing team. 13-13. It sucked. The next team to score the goal was to be the winner. I was nervous as hell. We needed Niall to make this goal himself.

"Well the pressure is sure on for the new defensive midfield on London's team, isn't it?" The announcer said. "Niall Horan, is says. He's their last hope for winning."

"You can do this, Ni," I whispered only loud enough for myself to hear.

The whistle was blown once again and just like that, players were running like mad on the field. Opposite of me was Calum Hood, who was running right towards Niall. I took the opportunity to run directly at him and stop him from getting to Niall. My block forced Calum to the ground, and thankfully, was unseen by the referee. I smiled and watched as Niall made it to the goal with the ball all by himself and scored the winning goal.

I shouted out once the ball hit the net. The crowd stood and cheered, our team went ballistic, and I cheered happily while I ran towards Niall.

"You did so great, babe!" I shouted, pulling him into a hug.

"I made it, Harry!" He exclaimed. "I fucking made it!"

"I know! I'm so proud of you!"

Without warning, Niall grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Our second kiss to be exact. It was just as lovely as the first and quite longer than the first as well. When we eventually pulled away, the rest of the team cane over and we all were huddled in a group hug.

"Is this a great time to ask you to be my boyfriend?" I asked Niall, looking over at him. He smiled wide and nodded.

"Of course I'll be yours ya idiot."


I'm so disappointed in this story. In the beginning I was so into it, then by chapter six I started hating it. I got the idea from a tumblr post, an au where Harry and Niall are on the same team and Harry can't stand Niall and they end up becoming friends after Niall's winning goal.

This was going to be so much better, but I couldn't do it. I hate this story and I might end up deleting is cause it sucks ass. This is the last update ever of this story btw.

I recommend not reading anything I've written cause I'm a shitty author tbfh.

I love you guys. Sorry for such an awful story. Apparently Stockholm Syndrome is better so if you like to look at it, it's on my profile.

Gif of Narry to the side.

~Taylor :*

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