Helping Infinite

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Exe was tidying up the place a little as Infinite was having a breakdown. 

"They won't believe me if I told them the truth. I tortured you and all those other people. They won't listen" Infinite said. Infinite was starting to sound a lot like Exe. It made him nervous. 

"You need to calm down" Exe said. "They'll believe me if I tell them. They have to see that you're not the bad guy and you didn't plan of killing me. My husband has to have trust in me."

"And if it makes you feel any better, I used to do the same thing you do" Exe said. Infinite stood up. 

"What do you mean?" Infinite said. 

"I was raised by a demon overlord known as Zalgo" Exe said. "He taught me how to become a killer. I always admired Sonic to the point I made my appearance like his. Then I began capturing and torturing all his friends. One day I was punished after a victim escaped and was sent to Soleanna. That's when I met Mephiles and he offered to help me. We fell in love with each other. One day, I was shot in the head by Shadow the Hedgehog. Then I was sent back to Zalgo and was forced to go back to my world and leave behind my boyfriend. Then I became a rebel, released all my victims and put an end to Zalgo once and for all. Then I came back to Soleanna and married my boyfriend. We have a beautiful daughter now" Exe sighed after mentioning his daughter. "I miss her so much. She's only a month old. She has the cutest smile ever. And when she laughs, it makes me forget how stressful my life is. I'm doing my best at my job as a manager to support my family and make sure my little Samara grows up healthy"

"I'm sorry again from separating you from your family" Infinite said. "I've done that enough already. Uh Exe? Do you think that I can change? That if I tried hard enough, I can put this all behind me and be good?" 

"Why do you ask that?" Exe asked. 

"Listening to you had inspired me. You turned your whole life around despite all you've done. And now you're doing much better. Better than me anyways" Infinite said arms crossed. Exe gave him a hug. 

"You can start by using that ruby to fix things up" Exe said. "Then from there you can-"

The walls were suddenly blown up, Exe and Infinite were blown away. When the dust settled, Elise and Mephiles stood near the hole in the wall. 

"You could've just kicked down the door" Elise said. 

"This is much more dramatic, trust me" Mephiles said. Infinite and Exe got up. Mephiles drew his weapon. 

"You!" Mephiles said. "Unhand my husband this instance!"

"I'm not even holding him" Infinite said. 

"What are you doing?" Exe asked. 

"I'm saving you from this mad man. He kidnapped you and probably tortured you. You're lucky I came here to save you before he could kill you"

"I had no intention of killing him" Infinite said. 

"Then why did you kidnap him and torture him?" Mephiles said. 

"Because he looked like someone else" Infinite said. 

"Mephiles you have to believe him" Exe said. 

"You manipulated my husband into taking your side. How dare you!" Mephiles said. He slashed his weapon. Infinite and Exe ducked. Exe was a little too late and got a blade to the cheek. Exe winced in pain. 

"Are you okay?" Infinite said going to Exe. Mephiles punched him. 

"Get your hands off him!" Mephiles said. Mephiles went to comfort Exe. 

"I'm sorry my darling" Mephiles said. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Let's get outta here"

"No, I can't leave him here" Exe said. "The resistance will come and kill him"

"What are you talking about my love? He hurt you. He deserves what's coming to him"

"He thought I was Sonic" Exe said. "He healed me after the torturing then apologized profusely. He's been through a lot. He lost his parents. He lost his friends. He got beaten up by Shadow and was called weak. But he's not weak. He's generally a good person who is driven by anger. Like me"

Mephiles looked shocked. Exe held his husband's face with one hand. 

"You have to believe me, my love"

Mephiles felt like he had no choice but to believe his husband.

"I believe you… " Mephiles said. He turned to Infinite. "How are we gonna get him outta here?"

"He wants to fix things first. Let's get him to the center of town so he can use the phantom ruby to repair the town and call off the army" Exe said. Infinite got up, looking shocked. 

"You're gonna help me" Infinite said. 

"It's the best I can do" Exe said. "Now let's get a move on"

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