Fix the World

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The 4 were walking to the center of the destroyed city so Infinite can undo all the damage, chatting along the way. 

"Your daughter is very cute" Infinite said pointing to Samara being held by Mephiles. Samara was asleep in her dad's arms, probably dreaming of unicorns.

"She's only a month old. Her cuteness comes from her dad" Mephiles said looking at Exe. 

"Yeah she gets it from you darling" Exe said. Mephiles blushed a little at Exe's comment. Infinite laughed. 

Once they were at the center, Infinite held up the phantom ruby, embracing its power. The rubble around them began to assemble itself. 

"It's working" Exe said. 

Infinite looked up in victory as the city began to rebuild itself with the phantom ruby. Using his powers for good was a great feeling. He was willing to have this feeling more often. 

Suddenly, Infinite was tackled by Knuckles, the phantom ruby falling out of his hands and sliding towards Exe. 

"You are under arrest Infinite" Knuckles said. He held his hands back as the resistance swarmed the 4.

"Lord X, can you hand me that phantom ruby so we can destroy it and then eliminate Infinite?" Knuckles said. Exe looked around for a second. He didn't want to give the ruby to Knuckles because then they'd kill Infinite but at the same time, he didn't want to keep the ruby. What to do. 

"Come on My Lord. Just hand over the ruby and we'll settle things from there" Knuckles said holding Infinite down by his legs. Some of the resistance had guns drawn at Infinite, which they'll shoot once Exe hands over the ruby. 

"No… " Exe said quietly. Mephiles and Elise gasped. 

"What?" Knuckles asked. 

"I SAID NO" Exe said. He grabs the phantom ruby and makes a run for it. 

"After him!" Knuckles orders. Some of the resistance chases after Exe while everyone else stays with Infinite. 

"We have to save them" Mephiles says. Elise nods. Mephiles runs off to save Exe while Elise stays behind and fights off the resistance members that have Infinite hostage.

Exe ran until he reached a dead end. He turned and saw Knuckles and some of the resistance cornering him. 

"Hand over the ruby My Lord" Knuckles said. Exe clutches it close to his chest. 

"No. Infinite needs to fix this mess" Exe said. 

"Infinite is gonna use the phantom ruby to destroy the world. Just hand it over" Knuckles said. 

"Infinite isn't going to destroy the world. He wants to fix it. He's been through a lot in his life and how just wants to make things right"

"Then why did he destroy the city and capture Sonic?"

"The phantom ruby corrupted him" Exe said. "He didn't want this. He wanted to see his friends again. But with a gem like this, there's no telling what it will turn you into. And if you won't let him do it…." He turns to Mephiles who is running towards him. 

"Then I will"

He raises the phantom ruby and the power of the ruby, along with Exe's powers, began to fuse together. A big explosion was made and everyone around them were blown away. 

Elise saw the explosion from where she was fighting. 

"EXE" She shouted. The shockwave from the explosion swarmed into the entire city, blowing away people and a few buildings. Elise felt herself hit the wall of a building as she flew, knocking her out cold. 

When she awakened, she saw that the dark clouds that swarmed the city were gone. The rubble had perished and people were chatting and walking around like if nothing happened.

Her vision cleared up and she saw Mephiles, Exe and Infinite at the center of the town. She got up and ran to the three. Exe was unconscious and Mephiles was holding him in his arms. Infinite was holding Samara. 

"Exe you have to wake up. Please. I can't lose you again" Mephiles said to Exe. No response. Elise gasped. She knelt down with the three. 

"He gave up his life… to save me… I'll never forget him… " Infinite said, tears streaming down his face. Elise could only hold the two boys as they grieved the loss of their friend.

Exe suddenly coughed. Everyone looked up from their mourning and saw Exe slowly opening his eyes. 

"Exe!" The 3 said. Exe opened his eyes fully and saw the 4 sitting around him. 

"Hey guys…" Exe said weakly. "Did we do it?"

"Yes, my love. You saved the world. Again" Mephiles said. 

"And you've helped me realize that life can be revised" Infinite said. "And you'll all be there to help me, right?"

"Of course we will," Exe said. "We'll do anything for our friends" Infinite smiled. Samara made a small noise and began to struggle. 

"Huh? What do you want?" Infinite said. She struggled a lot as if she wanted to be put down, making little noise as if she was trying to say something. 

"P… p… p… " She said. The 4 were focused on the baby as she tried to speak. 

"Papa!" She squeaked. The 4 were in shock. 

"Papa?" Exe asked. He felt his heart race as she said her first word. (Bye bye doesn't count). 

"Papa!" She said again. Infinite handed Samara to Exe. Mephiles smiled as his husband held their daughter. 

"She said papa my love" Exe said in joy. Samara giggled and smiled as she was happy to see her dad alive and well. 

"What about dada?" Mephiles asked. Exe giggled. 

"Papa!" Samara said again. Exe felt like he could cry right now. Elise smiled. Infinite felt his heart race as he saw the queen smile. 

"Nice Smile" Infinite said. Elise chuckled at his comment. The 5 of them were as happy as ever. With a new member of their family, they could finally go home and be a family, like they always were. 

Knuckles approached the 5, they all looked up. Exe drew his weapon. 

"Don't hurt him!" Exe shouted. 

"Whoa hang on I'm not here to interrupt this moment" Knuckles said. "I just wanted to thank you for fixing his mess. He'll be going home with you guys, right?" Exe nodded. 

"Well keep an eye on him okay? you'll never know when he'll go power hungry again"

"Well he won't be the king anytime soon" Elise jokes. The 4 of them laughed, Infinite didn't get it. 

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