Chapter 1

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Hi everybody... So this is my first story EVER and I just want to see how it goes... Please comment and tell me if you like it or not... Thanks!!! and i need a title for this sooo if you have any ideas i would LOVVEEEE to hear them!!!!


Louis P.O.V.

"Harry!! Get back here!!" I yelled as I chased him down the hallway.

"Never!!" he yelled back laughing.

"It is not nice to take people's carrots Haz!!" I finally caught up to him and I Tackled him in the floor.

"Awee Boo I'm sorry but it's just funny the way you reacted to it!!" he laughed.

"Well then..." I replied with an evilish smirk on my face.

"Noo Boo don't do it!!" he knew that i was playing on tickling him. I laughed an started attacking his sides with my fingers.

"NO... LOU!! STOP... HA!" he said in between laughs.

"Say 'Louis has the sexiest bum in the world!!" I smirked.

"NEVER!!" He yelled.

"SAY IT!" I yelled back.

"FINE!" He groaned.

He mumbled it.

"Ok. Now say it loud enough for the boys to here it in the kitchen," I sat on his stomach waiting.


I chuckled an got off of him and held out a hand to help him up.

"Thanks," he said standing up not letting got of my hand. A shiver went though out my body starting at my hand that was linked with Harry's hand. WHAT!? How can I be getting shivers from Harry?! He is my best mate!! He is a boy for gods sake!!

"Hey what happened up there guys??" Liam asked.

Harry let go of my hand and we walked into the kitchen. My hand was now cold from the lose of his warm hands.

"Yeah we herd yelling, laughing, and Harry say that Louis has the sexiest bum in the world," Zayn added laughing at the last part.

"Yeah we had a tickle fight..." Harry said while sitting down on a chair.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p', " A fight that I won!"

"Well u had me pinned on the ground!" he laughed as I sat down next to him.

"It's not my fault I'm way stronger than you!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are t-" I was cut off by Liam.

"Guys! Stop fighting over who is stronger!" Liam yelled with trying to hold in laugh and he walked into the living room.

"Who's up for a scary movie?" Niall asked.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!! You know I hate scary movies!!" I yelled as I ran In to the living room an flopped down on the couch.

"Awee boo I'll be here for you," Harry whispered in my ear.

I shivered as I felt his warm breath on my ear. GOD! I need to stop this!!

"Well...." I thought.

"Please Louis?" Niall and Zayn pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"I gues-" I started.

"YES!! now Liam put in paranormal activity 3!" Niall yelled before I could finish my sentence.

Harry put his arm around my waist and I tensed up. I guess Harry saw.

"You ok Lou? The movie had not even started yet?" he asked looking me straight into the eyes.

"Y-yea I'mm f-ine, just," come on Louis come up with something! " it's just this movie is said to be really scary..."

"Ohhh Lou!! It's ok I'm here. No need to be scared!!" he tightened his grip on my waist like a side hug.

"I know Haz..." I cuddled up to him so mi head was in his chest and he was inning circles on my back.

Occasionally we would jump and squeak at the scary parts. But I was mostly paying attention to Harry. I could hear his heart beat through his chest. He was really warm. I started dosing off halfway through the movie and Harry must have saw me.

"Boo. Maybe we should go to bed," he whispered in me ear.

"but I'm not 'YAWN' tired," I tried. But I just had to yawn in the middle of my sentence.

"Yeah. Sure you are," he chuckled.

"Fine. As long as you come to bed with me," I pouted me bottom lip.

"Fineeee..." he groaned, " You are lucky I love you."

My stomach fluttered as he said 'I love you'. What is wrong with me!?! First, when he held my hand I thought of it wrong. And now my stomach I fluttering with butterflies when he said I love you to me?! God!

"Lou, you coming?" Harry asked as he stood up holding out his hand for me.

I held out my arms, like a little kid does with the parents when they want them to carry them to bed.

"Wow you really are a child Lou," Harry chuckled,"Guys, me and Lou are going to go to bed now."

"Ok well see ya on the morning," Niall said from the love seat next to Liam.

"Yeah, night guys," I replied as Harry picked me up. Zayn was already passed out in the recliner.

"Wow Lou... Really??' Liam asked talking about Harry carrying me to bed.

"Hey! I'm tired!" I told him.

"Haha good night Lou, god night Haz," he chuckled.

"Night Li," Harry and I said at the same time. We laughed as he carried me up the stairs and in to the bedroom and plopped me down on the bed.

He stared walking away.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going mister??" I asked him.

"Too the bathroom Lou. I will be right back," he said as he shut the door.

I plopped down on the bed and faced the away from the bathroom. I herd the door shut behind me. I felt the bed dip in as Harry came in. I guess he thought I was asleep because he did not cuddle with me.

"Haz, cuddle?" I asked turning around.

"Ohh sorry Lou I thought that you were alseep," he said coming closer to me and put his head in my bare chest( I took my shirt off when he was in the bathroom, it was to hot). I felt his lips on my chest as he breathed in and out and his breath blew across me chest. OMG! He is soo cute and his kissable lips... WAIT!? WHAT?!? Why the heck ad I thinking this about my best mate?! And why did I just call him cute?!

"Good night Lou, love you," Harry said in sleepy voice.

"Good night Haz, love you too," I replied. Man I really do love him... WAIT WHAT!?! I do not love him!! Well I do love him in a brother kind of way but not like, LOVE love him, he is my BEST FRIEND!! Man I really need to go to sleep.

We fell asleep just like that. Me in Harry's arms.


Soooooo what do you think so far?? This is my first story so please dont be mean... Comment, like, fan? Anything and please tell me if I should continue it... Thanks!! :)

Kiss You- ( Larry Stylinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon