stop doing this to me

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Taylor's pov

"TAYLOR WAKE UP!!" ugh another day of school. I finally get up and pick out my outfit which consists of high wasted shorts a peach crop top and comono( outfit up there) , then walk to the bathroom I take a shower then do my makeup which consisted of a little foundation, powder, eyeliner and mascara, then hear up my curling wand and curl my long brown hair.

Hayes pov

Taylor walks into school and she looks gorgeous , ashley sees me staring and walks up to taylor and just slaps her, and it's my fault.

Taylor's pov

Ashely just slapped my, " WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" "I SAID LEAVE MY BOTFRIEND ALONE WAS I NOT CLEAR" and once again I look and see hayes standing there doing nothing and I though he was a good guy. "BING BING" ugh finally I mumble to myself and walk to 1st period and see hayes and ashley making out, and for some reason my heart just breaks still..........
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and I had lunch with my new friends rachel, katie, Meghan, jessica and others there really nice and I like them a lot.
Cheer tryouts are today and guess who is trying out Ashley.....

Hayes pov

Finally football tryouts today I really hope I make it. I'm walking out of football practice eating for Ashely to see how cheer tryouts went and I see something I wish I had never seen.. Ashely kissing my best friend ben.
"ASHELY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "HAYES ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE SHE SAYS" "oh really Ashely what it looks like is you kissing my best friend!!!!

bens povv

Me and Ashely have been going out behind hayes back, I know hayes is my best friend but I love Ashely a lot.....

Hayes pov

don't be my heartbreaker ( hayes grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now