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Eunbella's POV

It was already 2 years since I last saw jhonbrook and I missed him so much. I was at the roof of the castle, sitting all alone I was so sad I was crying. Can I still see him? when? how? this hurt my heart so much I really wanted to see him soooo baaad.

I was still crying facing my thighs, and sudden hard wind was touching me so I turned my head to face the sky, the sky was clear and the weather today is so fine, it doesn't want me to to cry, well I guess its not the time to cry. Jhonbrook has his world with him and I have mine and I'm the future Queen of our Kingdom so I must take care this world of mine.

When I wanted to go back down I watched the village first, seeing a lot of happy people in our kingdom made me smile, but something catched my attention, a running man he looks like "OMG" I gasped "its jhonbrook" I said while covering my mouth and tears started to flow to my cheeks. What is this? why am I crying? Im so happy.

I went down immediately to the ladder and got to my room. I looked at the mirror and styled myself add some perfume on then immediately ran. When I was already outside the gate I remembered something jhonbrook will be chased by the guards. So I hid myself to the houses.

I saw jhonbrook passed on me so I called his name "Jhonbrook" I shouted he stopped from running and searched where the voice came from "right here!" I said he saw me. I ran close to him and he did the same. We hugged each other so tight. I can't believe this is happening.

"jhonbrook I missed you so much" I said. "me too eunbella, me too" he said we were both crying because of happiness then we released the hug "its been 2 years" I said  "2 years? no its still 5 hours since you got back here" he said. I gasped "5 hours?" I asked "its because, the time here is much faster that their time" someone spoke from behind us.

We moved our body to find that voice and we saw eunwoo "you really followed my wife until here?" he said "w-wife?" jhonbrook asked. I started to become silent, how can I still love jhonbrook if I'm already married? "yes, we got married last year, 3 hours since the princess left your world"he said.

Jhonbrook got speechless and I was already crying "why? why am I so late? If I came here earlier maybe you two didn't get married" he said "jhonbrook I had no choice, the King and the Queen really wanted me to get married as fast as possible" I said while crying while looking straight to jhonbrooks eyes. "well cause we know he'll come" eunwoo said. Eunwoo just nodded his head tehn guards came and held jhonbrook at his arms "STOP! PLS!" I was screaming "DON'T HURT HIM!" I screamed again.

Eunwoo hugged me and I was crying while looking at jhonbrook being pulled while he was begging for the guards to not hurt him, he was being dragged while being beaten. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THESE?!" I said while removing myself from the hug.

"what? its for your own protection" he said "NO WE LOVED EACH OTHER! I DONT LOVE YOU" I said "but, but he's your enemy" eunwoo said made me shocked "e-enemy? what do you mean?" I asked eunwoo "He's the son of King Riquardo, King of the northeast, which is our best enemies, he was send to earth so that he will not get included to the fight." he said.

I was moving backwards "WHAT!?" I said "his father will know when he's back here already, so we will hide him" eunwoo said. "its better for him to go back to earth and die there, hes the big threat for our kingdom" eunwoo added. I was still crying when I heard what eunwoo said.

-well another twist HAHAHHAHAHAHA more more more to come and then the sex scenes of eunwoo and sinb.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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