An Unexpected Reunion PT 1

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Author POV

Ah Hometown
A place where monster and human life together
Ah... Look sans and papyrus is back on their house
Let see what's going on

sans POV

Ah home sweet home. It's still the same after 6 years

Papyrus:sans where is the key?

Wait the key???

Sans:i think I forget

Papyrus:what how you lazybones?

Sans:oh come on paps it's been long time, why don't we break in my blaster can do it

Okay here we go just gotta ram the door 1...2....and...

Paps:sans wait!!

What the paps what is it

Papyrus:THE GREAT PAPYRUS just remember that we give the key to toriel right

Oh yeah I remember I give her the key

Sans:okay I get the key

In toriel house

Toriel:*knock* I wonder who it is?

Toriel:*open door*oh hi Mr what can I help you?

Sans:wait you don't remember me?

Toriel:sorry I don't. But you look familiar.......

Sans:come on Tori you goat(got) to be kidding me

Toriel:wait sans it's you

She hug me pretty

Sans:please Tori ago don't to hard can't breathe

Toriel:sorry sans but what do you need?

Sans:nothing just our house key

Toriel:oh, I think I have it. Please wait a moment


Toriel:*give keys*sans can I ask you something??

Sans:okay what is it?

Toriel:well it's about.. Frisk?

Sans:oh her*blush* what's with her hehe?

Oh frisk we gonna meet again

Toriel:please be a good friend. She was different after you left 6 years ago..


She's different when I left??

Toriel:well... When you left 6 years ago she seems a bit lonely lately without you, and also always wear that locket


Wait is it mine?

Toriel:yes a she's always bring that half heart locket everywhere when in school, when going out, and sometimes she's wearing it when she's sleep

Sans:oh I guess she love it


Sans:so anyway where is she?

Toriel:oh she was walking to the park and please sans be her good "BOY" as "FRIEND" okay

Sans:okay bye*teleport*

Wait good boyfriend is she reffering me and frisk as a couple???


papyrus:oh sans I need you

Sans:*gives key* here's the key bye*teleport*

Sorry paps but I gotta meet frisk


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