Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Louis POV

This is my entire fucking damn fault. How could I let her slip away from my fingers? Becky proposed to call the police, but I told her that I could do this. I could find my Lexi with no help of anyone. But first I had to figure out, where the fuck could she be? As I was thinking, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Unknown, it read. I decided to pick it up.

“Hello?” I said

“Hey, is this Louis Tomlinson?” the unknown male voice said.

“Yes, who is this?” I asked with a more serious voice.

“The only thing that you need to know is that I have Alex here with me. In fact, not only here with me, but in the same bedroom, and maybe I’ll decide to fuck her-“

“Don’t you dare fucking touch her you fucking bastard!” I felt the fury boil in my veins.

“Then do what I tell you and she will be fine.” He said. I could almost see the mischievous smile he had plastered in his fucking face.

“I’ll give you anything, just please don’t do anything to her!” I said almost in the verge of tears. I heard him chuckle before he talked again.

“Now there, don’t cry,” He chuckled again. “I want what everybody wants. Money…”

“Okay, how much” I said in a rush


“Are you fucking kidding me?” I said by the amount of money.

“No, I want it by Saturday in cash. We will meet in the Rocky Mountains at one o’clock. No sooner, or later. I don’t want you with a bunch of people.  Louis, I also have my own men and order them to even kill her if you don’t do what I ask you or even if I know that someone is with you,” I heard him say. I could see again that fucking stupid smile in his fucking bastard face. “we also know what could happen if you don’t bring the money.”

“Okay, but please don’t do anything to her.” I said with an angry voice.

“I promise.” He said. “Hey, someone wants to talk to you by the way,”

“Okay,” I said a little confused.

“Louis! Lou please help me!” She screamed crying. It hurt so much to hear her suffer and cry.

“I’m going to help you. Your superman is going to save you, yeah? Don’t worry.” I heard her sob.

“Louis, I love you!” She said in between her crying. And that’s when I felt my heart swell up. It was the first time she had said it.

“I love you too princess. I’ll come for you!” I said back. I could feel the tears form in my eyes.

“Aw, isn’t that adorable. Well, see you on Saturday.” The male voice said and hung-up. I was so furious. I didn’t know who this guy was, but I was going to fucking kill him. I called Becky, and told her that everything was going to be fine and I was getting Alex back.

I miss you Lexi… I thought to myself. I’m trying my best to be your superman.

Oh, Alex. (hue hue, see what I did her. Sorry, keep reading)


So, who do you think is this mystery guy? Keep reading, vote, comment, follow me and spread the word of my book!


HAHA, I’m kidding that’s not the end of the chapter, I’ve already been mean enough to not update very fast, so keep on reading.

Alex POV

One hour before…

We got to the motel room. I practically was pushed by Eleanor and her long massive nails, well fake nails that she has. It was pretty late at night, or I assumed. I was sleeping in the floor, in the verge to my sleep until I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but the hand placed on my mouth made it sound softer.

“Shhh, we are leaving.” It was Sam to my luck. I nodded my head. He started to untie my hands and my feet. It felt so much better. He told me to be very quite so we wouldn’t wake up Eleanor.  We passed through the door and got to the car. I got in the front seat and Sam got in the driver’s seat. He started to drive away and I decided to sleep.

“Alex. Alex wake up we are here.” I heard a voice tell me and shake me up. I opened my eyes to see a house. It looked like a simple house.

“You’re safe.” He said. I smiled. I was safe. I was going to see Louis! My Boo bear! Sam opened the door. The house was beautiful. It had a chimney and a brown leather couch in the living room. Also a nice thin TV and a little table in the center with a flower vase in the middle. The wall had rocks which it made it even more beautiful.

Suddenly I felt a piece of clothing on my mouth and nose. It smelled funny. Oh no! It smelled funny! Suddenly darkness invaded my vision.


So this is the official ending of the chapter. I wanted to thank you guys because i have 800 READS! What the hell people my book is not even good. But really thank you guys. 

Who do yo think is that bad guy who was talking to Louis? (I think is pretty obvious but, meh)

Hey so what did you think of night changes music video! IT WAS AMAZAYN! Also the boys won three AMA's which makes me very proud of them! There group hug was just, jfdalfjdalsj.

So keep on voting, comment, and follow me. Also please please please consider the contest. I really want a knew cover for my book.

Question, what is/are your favorite songs of Four? Mine are Fools Gold, STOCKHOLM SYINDROM is my far one of my super favorite ones, 18, and night changes also NO control. so yeah, like half of the album. but the whole album is perfect.

I'm sorry if im not going to update very soon. i have a lot to do. Volleyball practice, Finals, I'M GOING TO THE BEACH ON SATURDAY! And well school in general.

Sorry,  i didn't chose the hard life, the hard life chose me. 


P.S. Go read, The Pain of Missing You (Louis Tomlinson Fanficion) its a really good fanfic, well i love it!

P.S.S. The living room of Sams house is by the side.  

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