Part 12

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Jungkook watched as Georgie walked away from sungwoon , he didn't want to feel upset because he put that part of his life behind him but it hurt to see her as the one trying to hurt you. "So you figured it out now?" Jin said as they all sat down for a meal.
"I mean I thought it was obvious, someone who likes jimin teaming up with someone who likes jungkook and taking revenge or forcing them to love them back by taking the people who stole their hearts hostage " jin said . "So they are doing all this shit to try and get us to be theirs?" Jimin said
"Probably , I mean Georgie is from a Mafia family so she has Experience to pull it off , when they teamed up I guess they bonded over their pain just like every single movie ever" Namjoon said .
Jungkook took a deep shaky breath , "so now we need to get them back" jungkook said tryin to sound confident .
"It's not that easy , after a certain point we loose cctv footage of them , we know roughly the direction but have no clue on the destination " yoongi sighed .

Jungkooks mind was completely lost, it was all happening all over again and he didn't know what to do , he didn't know how to help.
Jimin on the other hand was panicking , the last thing he said to Taehyung was an argument , he hadn't got a chance to apologise and now he doesn't know if he ever will.
"Jimin and jungkook, go and sleep whilst we think of a plan " Namjoon said
"No I want to help!" Jungkook protested .
"Kook it's getting late , this has impacted you and jimin the most, sleep so you can actually be a help to us" yoongi sighed

. Jimin took jungkooks hand and lead him into his room "come on, let's go to sleep" jimin said . Jungkook laid down next to jimin. Jimin ran his hands through jungkooks soft hair . "It's going to be okay koo" jimin said softly . Jungkook sighed as jimin hugged him . Jungkook needed someone to hug him like this , it made him feel comfort even though his mind was completely fucked .
"Can we go get another tattoo or something?" Jungkook mumbled .
"Really ? Right now?" Jimin asked confused .
"Yeah , or another piercing" jungkook mumbled
Jimin giggled as he pulled jungkook closer to him.
"Sleep now and we will talk in the morning" jimin said softly. Jungkook sighed in defeat as he closed his eyes .

When he woke up your eyes were staring right back at him , glinting in the morning sun as you smiled softly at him
"Morning koo" you said softly to him as you tucked his hair behind his ear
"Morning y/n" he smiled . You wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing his cheek making his eyes widen
"Did you just-" he said but he was cut off as your lips intertwined with his , his heart exploded and all he felt was happiness until it all ended and he really woke up
It had all been a dream , you weren't really back .

Shit shit shit shit shit , that's all the was going through jimins mind as he saw Taehyung walk out of the bathroom , his hair soaking wet as he was only wearing a pair of sweat pants , he pulled on a hoodie as he came into the bed next to jimin . "Something wrong chimmy?" Taehyung smirked as he kissed jimins cheek
"Y-your back?" Jimin stuttered
"Yeah , you saved me remember , your my hero jimin" Taehyung said softly . As he kissed jimin , jimin melted into the kiss as Taehyung ran his hands through jimins soft hair . "Wait I never apologised , I know you two aren't together I was being stupid " jimin said softly
"It's okay , I forgive you " Taehyung said .
And that's when jimin woke up.

Jungkook hugged jimin tightly "we need to find them , as fast as we can" he mumbled
The two of them got out of bed and headed for the living room . Where they found the other members , yoongi was slumped across the sofa and Hoseok nodding off .
"Guys wake up" Jungkook yelled , they all opened their eyes .
"Well did you find anything?" Jimin said nervously
Jin shook his head .
Jungkook felt a horrible tightening in his stomache , the longer they waited , the more likely he was to loose you and Taehyung .

"This is stupid , let's just go out and find them" jungkook said walking out of the living room and towards the front door , the other members all sprang you and ran to jungkook "no you can't , we don't know if they are after Another one of us or anything , it's safer if we stay-"
Jin was cut off by the sound of the letter box opening and a small parcel coming inside , landing before them on their doormat. Jungkook reached down to pick it up when Hoseok held him back "don't you hear that, it's beeping , it's a fucking bomb" Hoseok said , everyone ran in the opposite direction , following one another down to the basement and closing the fireproof door behind them as they heard the bomb explode. They took shelter in one of the rooms down there .

"Shit , they were trying to blow us up!" Jungkook exclaimed
"Do you think Taehyung or y/n told them where we lived " Yoongi said
"Taehyung would never-"
"But y/n..." Namjoon cut jimin off . Jungkook immediately sent him a death glare
"She wouldn't , she knows not to" jungkook defended
"Why wouldn't she , she doesn't actually need to risk her life for us " Jin mumbled
"We saved her life , she would do the same for us" jimin defended .
"We can talk about this another time , they've probably all ready ransacked our house , we need to get out of here" Jin said . Everyone nodded before following him down the passageways and out of a secret tunnel that came out inside the tattoo shop. "What do we do now?" Jungkook said .

"Where do we go?" Jimin asked
"We go to my house" Yoongi said simply . Everyone turned around to face him
"YOU HAVE YOUR OWN HOUSE?!" Namjoon said shocked
"Well yeah , come on we don't have time" Yoongi said , even though every one was confused they followed Yoongi outside into a car and drove off

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