Part 17

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"Fine" Georgie said as she joined you with jungkook . "So whats the plan?" She asked you.
You explained everything to them and luckily they were all on board. You looked at each of their faces , you had no idea why they were trusting you but you were so glad they were .
You all got into your positions , you looked at jungkook next to you , he seemed like his mind was consumed by thoughts and you knew it was because of what you had done .
"Jungkook?" You said softly , he slowly looked at you .

"I'm sorry, I never meant to develop feelings towards you and I never meant to drag you all into this , I just wanted to protect you and I really am sorry " you told him .
"F-feelings?" He repeated with his wide doe eyes
"Y/n , y-you really have feelings for me?"he said hopefully , but just then the front door opened and you gasped softly , you father was home , the plan had begun .
"Follow me" you whispered to him , and he did as he was told . Everyone was moving silently around the house until you father had reached the room Taehyung used to be in prisoned in , he was expecting everyone to be there , he was shocked at the emptiness of the room until you all appeared , surrounding him and locking the door behind you as you all held guns towards your father .

"Y/n , Georgie and sungwoon what are you doing?" You father yelled angrily.
"You have no right trying to kill Bangtan , I won't let you" you yelled back
"You are my daughter y/n, you listen to my command " he said to you , you had never felt so much rage boil inside of you .
"I don't listen to anyone anymore " you spat back
"You ruined our lives and we will never forgive you" sungwoon said .
"Your lives belong to me , you are my children and this is completely out of order" your father yelled .

"We are going to end this right now , if you insist on killing Bangtan then I'm going to have to kill you" you said confidently .
"Your too weak " you father said
"No she's not" Taehyung yelled "she is stronger than you will ever be , at least she's a good person"
"You dont deserve to have a daughter that is as great as her , and if she doesn't kill you , I will" jimin said angrily .
Jungkooks eyes locked onto yours
"Y/n , kill him" jungkook said softly . But as you stared into your fathers cold unforgiving eyes there was something pulling you back , maybe it was the thought of killing someone , and that's it would stay with you forever , maybe no one would ever forgive you knowing you were a liar and a murderer

. Georgie watched and saw the flicker of hesitation behind your eyes , "I got this " she whispered before swiftly pulling the trigger and killing your father . A gasp escaped your lips as his body fell to the ground before you even shot , but then you saw Georgie and you knew she had done it.
"What happens now?" Jungkook asked innocently .
"You guys leave , go back home . Georgie , take sungwoon with you" you told them .
"What? What about you y/n, arent you coming with us?" Jungkook asked confused .
"Killing the leader of a huge mafia family isn't this easy , there will be people looking for whoever's responsible , and I dragged you all into this , so I will take full responsibility. You all need to leave before they get here" you told them .

"You can't be serious " Taehyung said
"Y/n we aren't leaving you" jungkook said
"You have no choice " you said
"I know what I'm doing , I've been planning this day for six years but it won't work if you are all here , you need to leave" you said desperately
"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked softly , he was centimetres away form you
"Of course I am" you said softly
"Do you promise that your going to be okay?" He asked as his voice cracked
"I'm going to be okay" you said
He rested his forehead against yours "if something happens , and I never see you again I want you to know that , I love you"

you could see the sparkly tears in his eyes as you kissed him , it felt like bliss , you had been waiting for this moment for so long , even if it might only happen once . When you pulled away you wipers his tears "don't worry about me , I know what I'm doing " you told him "just be safe" he whispered as he hugged you tightly "you too koo, I love you" you said softly .
You wanted to stay in his arms forever , slightly scared what would happen when you left his want eubacteria and he left you , but you knew you were running out of time . Slowly you pulled away "good bye everyone " you said , Taehyung pulled you into a tight hug which turned into a group hug as you all said goodbye . They reluctantly left , jungkook looked back at you with tears in his eyes as he bit his lip as Jin took his hand and lead him away .

You took a deep breath before coming to your senses . You had one mission now and you knew what you had to do . After they had left the guards arrived in their masses. Your heart was pounding as you stood before them all with their guns pointing towards you .

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