Chapter 2: Night 1 part 2~! And Night 2~!

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mewtwo stumbled into the office....james then quickly played ash's theme song...

( theme song above)

" Hun? ash your out...did you find pikachu?" mewtwo asked himself as he wandered to that room...

" Pika....." pikachu said

" oh box!" james yelled winding it....

" CHU~!" pikachu screeched 

"AAAH~!" james said covering his face bracing for impact but it never came....

he then heard the clock turn 6 am~!

" I DID~! HAHA IN YOUR FACE~!" james yelled as he walked safely out the building.....


james sighed as he sat down again in his least he knew more about what to expect....

" uh...hello hello? see your doing just fine~! uh anyway, ash and gang move more as the week goes on....anyway.... i wanted to let you know about your doors.... you see misty comes from the left.....and brock from the right~! so if you see then just close that door....and eventually they'll go abut the mask....and theme song....there's a door behind you....that you cant leads into your room through a hall way.....if you see them do what you where doing mewtwo....yeah him....anyway....he hates flashing lights...loathes if you use the flash light i left ya~! just flash it at him....he'll go away~! alright talk to ya tomorrow..." the voice said

" oh boy...." james said....

he turned on the flash light and wound up the music box.....

"ZZ>" ash said as he woke up...

" misty , brock your que~!' ash said

misty woke up and kicked brock awake to as she began to walk down the halls....

misty then the door....

" oh shit~!" james said...he closed the door....and played the theme song....

misty soon walked away....

james gave a sigh of relief...until he saw piakchu...he quickly wound the music box up....and the yellow mouse fell back asleep....

james took a deep breath...that's when he heard ash...nearbye....ash walked in...

james froze in fear....ash was about to attack him and he didn't know why...or shit he still had the mask on that he put on in fear in seeing him....

Then the clock chimed 6 am~! and james once again....

was allowed to leave alive....

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