Chapter 2

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OMFG!!!! I cannot believe she saw all of that !!

" that i said that to you ." The blonde girl stuttered . well that felt awsome .

" um...."i said watching both the woman that just entered and Jace ."NO it was me i said more mean things ." i said dumbly blushing .

The blonde immediatly ran out to go do something.

"Well now that , that is dealt with " said the woman " We shall begin " 

she said clapping her hands twice loudly making me jump are walking down the hall i got a good look at the woman she looked like she could be a model if she wanted to be she had a good height and looked like if she put on the right makeup she could very easily pass for an 25 year old but right now looks like she cold be 32.She also dressed quiet appropriate unlike me making me feel more like an idiot for chosing this to wear.Right now im guessing she asked me a question becuase both her and Jace were staring at me expectantly. "Im sorry what did you say ?" I asked feeling stupid for not listening in the first place ."What do you expect most in a wedding?"

"um...well i think that a wedding should be about two people able to love each other and sealing the deal by saying vows."

" You have a very sweet young lady Jace."she said softly examining me.

I could fell myself blushing."Thanks Leanne !"Jace said happy that this leanne woman actually likes me. Leanne so thats her name it suits her perfectly. Now we have reached an very big room that looked elegant. "This is where we talk to the couples to just get a feel of what you want ".

"ok". I said. "good" she said happily.As hours passed we looked at lots of setups for the wedding some were amazing but some may of had scared me.

Like one she had an old couple decided on it and lets just say there was lots of sheep and blood. Seems to me that Jace and i dont agree with which one to pick he chose on where it was real fany expensive while i on the other hand wanted a beautiful and nice more plain less expensive wedding like one in a medium sized church.

"No i really like this one its on the beach the color theme is blue and -"

"But this one is less expensive and more traditional plus the theme color can be blue for this one also " i cut him off with what seemed is a more better reason to get the kind of wedding i want and let me just tell you something when i want something bad enough trust me i will have it .

"You can be as reasonable as you want but i am not taking this kind of a wedding ."he said firmly standing his ground . Two hours later we were driving to his house with me holding the papers with how the church and everything would be set up . I knew i would get what i wanted. " Where here "he said . Wow when i looked up i was suprised to see a mansion i mean sure Jace was posh but this was kindda big even for him.

Now it may seem rude but i have basically never met his parents before and that was mainly because whenever We went to his house to hook up his parents werent there . But hes met mine before way to many times. "alright im coming ". Getting up out of my seat has got to be the hardest thing i have ever done before . When i got out the car door he closed the door behind a me and got my hand . "Dont worry ",he said soothingly "they will love you." he said smiling. Even though that helped me I was still kind of hesistant . When we got inside he yelled "MOM , DAD ". "Oh well hello Jace "a woman who looked quiet young walked into the room wearing a fancy suit . "Hello Jane, where is my mom ?" he asked. "well" the woman named Jane said hesitantly. "Me and your father have something to tell you." "yes".  

"Hi son "a new voice belonging to a man fit for his age but he looked kind of old. 

" Hey dad " Jace said cheerfully. "um hi Mr.Grander " I said shyly flashing what I hope was a smile. "Hello beautiful " Jace's dad said smiling at me and shaking my hand.  

"Dad this is my fiance Melanie Jane" 

Jace said holding my hand.  

"Well than its nice to meet you Melanie. you guys are just in time dinner is ready. " "So then lets begin ." I said smiling at Jace's dad. A while into the dinner it was going great until Jace asked again " Where is mom ?" "Umm ...Jace your mom cheated on me " Jace's dad said bitterly "What ? No dad your lying " Jace said not believing one thing his dad said . " Its true she cheated on me with another woman "  Now Jace had jumped out of his chair . "You guys are lying " But both Jane and Jace's dad said  no . Jace pulled me out of my seat and said " good night dad ... Jane umm i really need to go home ." he said urgently running out of the house with me on his heels. As soon as we were in the car i said " Well that was ......something " "Yeah that sure as hell was " he said looking out the window like he wanted to punch something . " How about we go to your apartment and talk " i said hopefully . " Yeah sure whatever ." When we got to his apartment he started saying stuff about the fact we should have never went to his parents house . "Yes actually we should have because then you wouldnt have known - " "Which is exactly why we sholdnt have went i wouldnt have to deal with thier bull

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