First Time Meeting!

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I woke up this morning to the smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon. I kinda of figured my fiance was downstairs cooking breakfast for me this morning. Before going downstairs I grabbed a large t- shirt from his dresser and some knee socks and went to take a shower. When I got out the shower and put on my panties, a bra and the t-shirt and my knee socks an left out the bathroom. When I walked out the bathroom Andrew was setting the bed up with the breakfast he cooked for him and myself. I looked at the plates and the food looked really good, he had made pancakes which had strawberries and whipped cream all over there, he made some really cheesy eggs which are my favorite, there was bacon and sausages on the side.

Thank you so much babe this breakfast is really good. "Well you know I will always have to cook really good for my baby because all she deserves is the best of the best" Andrew said. As we sat there and ate we talked about the last things that we need to get for our wedding in two weeks. I was very excited because I finally get to marry the guy of my dreams.

I met Andrew when I was in the 11th grade and after they we have been together for almost 5 years now and we are finally getting married. When I was in 11th grade it was my first year at new school because my parents had gotten a new job so we had to up and leave all of our family and my best friends. But it was my first day of school and I was really shy because I didn't know anyone there so I just tried to stay to myself. I was walking to class when I noticed this cute tall boy, he had dark brown hair, with hazel eyes and a caramel skin complexion. He was super cute and I was afraid to talk to him because I was just the new girl and he looked like he was to popular for an ugly girl like me or that's what I thought.

One day I was walking to classes and I was about to be late so I started running to my class and then I bumped into him. None of my stuff fell but when I hit him, as he started turning around he was saying "Watch where you" as soon as he turned around he stopped what he was saying and he said "sorry I didn't mean to say that." Of course me being me I had to apologize for bumping into him and not watching where I was going so I was like----

"No I am so sorry for running into you!"

I was getting ready to walk into class and he stopped me to introduce himself

"My name is Andrew and I think your name is Tiffany right?

All I could do is look at him and say in my head how do he know my name so I stated "Yes that's my name and how do you know it?"

"Well see for such a beautiful lady like you I had to find out your name" as he was speaking all I could do was blush because Lord knows I have the hugest crush on him!!!! 

After I told him that I need to get into class before the bell rung he asked for number and I gave it to him and ran into class.

That day my whole life had changed and I was about to marry the man of my dreams in two weeks!!! My parents really loved him now that they have had a chance to sit down and really get to know him because in high school they couldn't stand him and they wanted me to end our relationship. Even though we fuss and fight I will always love him so much because he is the love of my life!!!

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