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“Awe look how cute you are.”

“Um no”

“Um yes”

“Um no”

“Um yeah”

“Well have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately”

“What you mean”

“Your gorgeous cali”




“Cali will you be my girlfriend”


After I said yes he picked me up and kissed me so passionately. We finished cleaning the loft up and made it spotless. We got washed up and he took me to go get food. We went to his favorite restaurant. While sitting there he looks up and his face just goes sad.

“What's wrong”

“She’s here”


“My ex”

“Oh sorry”

“It's fine let's just hope she doesn’t notice us”


Just about that time that's when she started to make her way over.

“See you got yourself a new slut”

“She's not a slut”

“Oh look prince charming’s standing up for Cinderella”

“Why you here”

“I should be asking you that, cause didnt you leave or something like that”

“Yeah but I still have family here”

“Oh they haven't died yet either”

“Why you gotta do this”

“Do what”

“Be such a…”


“Yeah that”

“ I don't know why you gotta be bringing sluts like her around here”

“She's not a slut”

“Come on Cali let's go we're done here”

“Oh ok”

“See look you're going to run back to you mommy like a cry baby”

“No my momma told me that it wasn't very nice to hit a girl no matter how bad you want to”

We get to his truck. He opens the door for me and helps me in. As soon as we’re settled he punched the steering wheel. He grabs his hair and pulls. His face turns red and he's mad. I just stay quiet. He has tears running down his face. I don't know if they’re from anger or sadness. I just admire him. He starts the truck. We leave, as soon as we're back at his grandma's he gets out. He walks up the porch and slams the door. I walk in he’s in the living room talking with his grandparents. So I walk back out and sit on their porch swing. After what felt like an hour he comes out with a blanket and tea. He covers us up and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I lay my head on his shoulder. We sit there for the longest time in silence.

“Cali I'm so sorry about earlier”

“It’s fine”

“It's not fine”

“There's things I need to tell you”

“Like what”

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