Chapter 1 Jacob's backstory

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(The picture above is Jacob in anime form)

Well, I see you want to know a bit of my backstory up till now. Well, let's start off with my First day of Highschool.....

I quickly jumped out of my bedroom door, avoiding my mom's calls of 'Oh you might need this' or 'Wouldn't this be useful?' "Ok thanks I'm good Bye mom!" I quickly said and trotted away. I shut the house door behind me and gave a relieved sigh as I Leaned against the red wooden door. When I opened my eyes I pulled up my long blue shirt to check my watch. 7:56. "Oh man!" I muttered franticaly to myself and flung my backpack over my right shoulder. I jogged toward my new school, since we lived about 3 blocks away from the super-sized-apartment-building-looking thing.

When I finally got there, I heard the bell ring and I jogged to the doors, slowing my pace so I wouldn't face-plant into the glass door. When I pushed the door open, I was greeted with a rush of people trying to get to their class. I gave a 'Oh my gawd how am I going to do this' sigh and twisted around to grab my schedule from my backpack. When I pulled it out, I checked it and it said: FIRST PERIOD-SPANISH MRS. WERSINGTON 4RTH FLOOR. I soon found out by the lack of people in the hallway that my time was running out. I quickly ran up the stairs, my backpack flailing behind my as I climbed. Second floor.... I was quite pumped. Third floor.... Sweating alot. Fourth floor, so tired that could barely walk. 'Man' I thought 'I need to get in shape'. The fourth floor hallway was empty except for a tall blonde girl rushing past me toward another class, not even breaking a sweat. I puffed disapprovingly at myself as I walked to class.

When I finally made it in the door, the bell rang and I rushed to a empty seat, sweating and hot. The teacher stared at me for a second, and I stared back. The room was silent as we stared, and then finally she broke the stare and walked to her computer. I smiled to myself. Thats ONE victory, at least.

The last thing I remember about that boring First period is that I checked my schedule again. My second period was on the first floor. This is going to be a VERY long day for me.

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