They Comfort You.

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"Whatever's wrong I can help you with it

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"Whatever's wrong I can help you with it. I promise."
"You're too sweet Harry."


"What happened Y/N?! Why are you crying? If Draco did anything I swear I'll-""Draco didn't do anything Ron

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"What happened Y/N?! Why are you crying? If Draco did anything I swear I'll-"
"Draco didn't do anything Ron. I got a lousy score on my last Charms exam."
"Oh, well um...I'm sorry?"


"That was a nasty fall you took Y/N

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"That was a nasty fall you took Y/N."
"Ignore Ron Y/N, you're going to be just fine."


"Everything's going to be fine Y/N

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"Everything's going to be fine Y/N. Don't worry."
"It's just so stressful! There's too many exams coming up and I don't have time to study for them all!"


"You can talk to me about anything Y/N

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"You can talk to me about anything Y/N. I can keep a secret. Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you."


"Things are going to get better Y/N, just be patient

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"Things are going to get better Y/N, just be patient."
"You know I'm not patient Luna."


"Let's do something to turn that frown upside down!""Oh Fred, you're absolutely ridiculous

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"Let's do something to turn that frown upside down!"
"Oh Fred, you're absolutely ridiculous."
"That's why you love me though."


"We're here for you Y/N

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"We're here for you Y/N. Want to talk about it with us?"
"Not really."
"Want to talk to just me about it?"
"Obviously George."

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