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The nightmares kept repeating itself as if you could feel yourself going on a loop that never finishes. Out of habit, your face began to sweat as your arms nervously shakes to finally regain your senses back into reality. Your eyes opened, glancing at your surroundings to then found yourself right in your room, safe. Your breathe has gotten heavier and the moment you regained the control over yourself, you realized it was just another... nightmare.

Your eyes glanced to your side, where your alarm clock was placed peacefully, unlike you. 3:00 am, shit. Nightmares like these were hard to get back into sanity and sleep normally. Hell you, remembered when you were young, one of your family member had to stay with you all night, you were often found crying in their arms and their slightest of affections gave you enough comfort.

Everything has gotten for the worse when the accident happened. Your older brother had... died in a stupid car accident and as days went by everything felt more sinister. Your brother had been the light of your darkness of times, his smile, his laughter had been something you missed. Not only for you but for the rest of your family as well.

It was a rough time in your life and weirdly Mile's face appeared in your thoughts. He and his sister did also loosed their parents... You could reasoned yourself into him and why he acted with so much blandness.

Realizing your sleep may have ended at this time of day, you decided to take the least of fresh air you could hope to. You had wrapped yourself into one of your blankets and began your adventure to the outside.

You knew at this time your family slept so deeply that a part of you wished to know how could their minds transport them to an another dimension. Probably not your brother's... in which you snort a laugh at the thought of it and quickly shutting your mouth with your hand as support.

Soon as you find yourself sitting in the stairs of the front of your house, you watched the stars floating whiting each other. It was a calm night of spring you could feel the fresh cold and to be fair you felt quite at home.

Of course it didn't took you a while to soon realizing a dark figure standing a few steps away. It felt mysterious yet it's red eyes glowing by the darkness surrounding it self, felt somehow alarming. You had probably thought to yourself : it's just another illusion.

Your eyes corrupted by whoever stood there soon disappeared the moment a hand touched your shoulder, soon enough to make you scream out of fright.

"M-Miles?!" Your eyes turned to have a better look to whoever seemed to standing and it was indeed, Miles.

He just stood there, with another of his blank face but for some reason his felt more tired... "Are you just going to stand here? Apologies yourself once again?" You joked hoping to have lightened up the atmosphere, in which it clearly didn't.

"May, I?" He offered in which you agreed to his offer. He also didn't slept well tonight, something more sinister came to visit during his sleep. "Sure, sure."

Somehow you began to slowly enjoy his company. Even though he didn't talked a lot, just sharing the silence between two person sure chances the atmosphere, as being alone.

"Blanket?" You offered the other side of your blanket as he without a word nodded, wrapping his side around his.

The both of you could feel one another sharing glances and yet your shyness didn't bare to say a word. Either you wanted but felt something pushing you or felt stupid enough to ask anything about his family's business. Especially their past history.

"Do you enjoy the neighbourhood so far?" Miles finally breaks the ice between the both of you. You looked at him and wondered to yourself. Did you really? "It sure is something to get use to it, thought I am going to be frank with you. Whoever created the houses sure didn't had any tastes."

Did you went too far? Sensing Mile's tension you had swear to yourself you could see smile appeared just before he could speaks. "The houses were built during the Victorian era. Mother and Father loved everything vintage. When our Grandparents moved in, Nana and her fiancé lived next to ours, kept the house just as it has been ever since. Just like my mother the both of them share their love for everything old. We just went on with it."

You were quite surprised on how he was open to speak about all of this. You knew it didn't stopped him to talk about his parents the way he did. Because hell you did the same for your older brother.

"I see, us on the other hand just found what is pleasing to our eyes. Yet, my mother reminds me of yours. She's quite picky when it comes to home deco or anything else." You chuckles softly as your mind flashes you some moments the both of you had shared and her complains when your father and brothers would dare help.

Miles listened to every words you said, his eyes kept on yours and sometimes it would travels itself from head to toe, but his final destination would always be your eyes. "Your family must really care, be great full for that Y/N."

And he was right. You were great full for not only everything you had but to the people you had around yourself for the rest of your days. Your family.

Miles soon felt tensed the same way he felt when the two of you began to meet at un unexpected times. "I better get going, Nana is calling for me."

Calling? From what you heard only the movements of the tree's branches brushing against one another and the wind making it's own whistle, not someone calling for his... name?

"I don't here—" Soon as you spoken, Miles's behavior felt even weirder and yet you tried yourself to see it through the slight dim of light your front door's had been giving all this time. "Thank you for the blanket, but I must really get going."

And from that, he just left. You were left alone until the sound of a door being opened took you by surprised. Matthew stood there, calling your name to get you back to reality. "Y/N. You are okay?"

You quickly manage to find yourself some balance once up and nods at your brother with a smile of reassurance. "Yeah- Yeah- Just had a nightmare again. I didn't want to wake you up for that so I just went outside..."

Matthew understood and informed you it was perfectly fine to wake him up, if this even happens again. You had thanked him and offered himself before you could reject his offer. As an excuse you had told himself you were grown and could handle it but could you really...?

You were back into your bed, trying to find comfort. Your eyes felt heavy and you had swear to yourself you could hear, Miles's voice repeating ; "Be great full, Y/N."

"Be great full.... Be great full, be.... great.... full...."

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒  ࿔*: - miles fairchild. Where stories live. Discover now