Chapter 1 (Clarke's POV)

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I wake to the sound of laughter, something I haven't heard in years.

I roll over and open my eyes.
I lie in my bed, obliviously. In the massive tent I share with Bellamy. It's almost like an apartment. I check the time on my watch- my father's watch, actually. Something I'd gotten back from Finn. The hardest subject for any of us. I killed him. It wasn't because I wanted to kill him. It was to get him out if the torture and painful death the Grounders we're going to supply him with. The hardest thing I've ever had to do. And it pretty much destroyed Raven, and damaged our friendship for weeks, months actually,

Anyways, the time: 10:52 am.

I slowly pull the furs off of me and get out of bed.

Bellamy comes in.

"Hey, Princess," he says, his usual smirk dancing on his lips.

I smile, then I press my lips onto his. We kiss for like two minutes straight.

"You seriously need to try these pancakes my sister made, they're delicious," he says.

"Octavia made pancakes?" I ask.

"She's quote the cook,' Bell replies.

"Did you guys have a kitchen under the floor or something?" I ask, trying out sarcasm, something I'm foreign to.

'Ha-ha,' Bell replies, "by the way, happy eighteenth."

I'd totally forgotten, better things to worry about, I guess, today was Christmas Eve, my eighteenth birthday.

"Thanks," I reply, following him out of the tent.

Standing in Monty & Jasper's newly named 'Party Place' is the crew. And to my surprise Octavia is actually making pancakes, while the others sip on something probably spiked. Yes, at 11:00 in the morning. Monty and Jasper's work.

"Hey, Clarke!" Octavia says, turning away from her cooking, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks. Can I have one of those?" I ask, pointing to the plate of pancakes she already finished making.

"Yeah, sure," Octavia replies.

"By the way," I say "how'd you find out about my birthday?"

"Your mom."

My mom. Another hot topick. We never really got along after the Ark came down. Again, I couldn't forgive her for a death she caused. But it wasn't Grounders. It was my Father.

"Oh, okay," I say, grabbing my pancake and sitting down beside Raven. Who's sitting at a table eating some breakfast of her own.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey," she replies, playing with her pliers and some wire. It seems she always has something like that with her.

"So, how's Wick?" I ask, cutting my pancake and getting some on my fork.

"Fine. He's designing these really fancy fireworks for New Years Eve. Says it should be 'elegant' for our first New Years on the ground. I almost wanna say to him. You do realize we still have Christmas to get through, but I mean, may as well get started now, because I need time to put them together." She replies.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing. Growing up with my mom, Christmas has never was a big thing, and you know the only person I ever really celebrated things with was Finn," she cuts her self off, I can see how hard it still is for her. "And Wick is doing something with his sister, she has like a husband and kids. They all made it down."

"You can always join us. Me, Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, my mom and Kane. Weirdest group of people, but I guess that's just how it is. My mom wanted me to celebrate with her, and I wanted to celebrate with Bellamy, who also wanted to celebrate with O, who wanted to celebrate with Lincoln. And my mom felt bad cause Kane didn't have people to celebrate with," I say.

"The more the merrier, hey?" Raven says, kind of sarcastically.

I let out one of those laughs that kind of sounds like an 'mm hm'.

"I guess I will join the party, then," Raven replies, "but right now, I have to go." She then gets up, and walks away. She doesn't have to walk with the cane anymore, but the brace stayed.

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